Mayor: Kitty
Town: Rainbow
Friend Code (optional): -
Dream Address (optional): -
Villagers (optional): : sprinkle, merengue, fauna, diana, muffy, peanut, francine, beau, stitches, marshal
Dreamies (optional): all dreamies obtained
Names under them? no
Sprite indication (e.g: Leaving, keeping, dreamie): obtained- strawberry shortcake
Villagers/Dreamies lined up in any specific formation? (e.g: all in a straight line, 5 at the top, 5 at the bottom): all scattered around
Outline text colour (this colour will appear around the text): i'll let u decide

Main text colour: peach pink
Font (if left blank, I will decide): airplanes in the night sky
Signature background (provide the URL):
Animated sig? yes
Any borders? (Cloud, Heart, Star) no
Coloured border? no
Curved border? (Only applies to a rectangular curved signature) curved
Transparent white strip? no
Any extra add-ons? no