12th signature order
Mayor: Luna-Moonbug - top middle
Friend Code (optional): 0877-0855-8623 bottom left
Dream Address (optional): 4200-2128-1496 bottom right
Villagers (optional):Bones, Daisy, Astrid, Bianca, Blanche, Apple, Tia, Chevre, Lucy, Whitney
Names under them? yes
Sprite indication (e.g: Leaving, keeping, dreamie): all obtained all dreames - pink heart sprite pls...
Villagers/Dreamies lined up in any specific formation? (e.g: all in a straight line, 5 at the top, 5 at the bottom) one each
on top of the following: white gift wrap (left side) ; pink treat left bottom; red gift wrap; white wrap (middle pic); blue wrap gift wrap; on blue diamond; one next to the blue ring; one next to pink ring; on the white marshmallow, one on heart yellow ribbon
Outline text colour (this colour will appear around the text): your call
Main text colour: 960C33
Font (if left blank, I will decide): lillybelle
http://www.dafont.com/lillybelle.font (font not too big size 16)
Signature background (provide the URL): http://s1309.photobucket.com/user/K...egis6o1_500_zps34ccd285.gif.html?sort=3&o=130
Animated sig? yes
Any borders? (Cloud, Heart, Star) no
Coloured border? yes - B3647E
Curved border? (Only applies to a rectangular curved signature) curved
Scalloped border? no
Transparent white strip? no
Any extra add-ons? please add
flying tony tony chopper .pls put him on the middle of pic...10x bigger than the dreamies.....i transferred 60 tbt...thanks again Kitsune...
- - - Post Merge - - -
13th signature order...for luck

i decided..one more sig for luck lol...
Mayor: Luna-Moonbug - top middle
Friend Code (optional): 0877-0855-8623 bottom left
Dream Address (optional): 4200-2128-1496 bottom right
Villagers (optional): Bones, Daisy, Astrid, Bianca, Blanche, Apple, Tia, Chevre, Lucy, Whitney
Names under them? yes
Sprite indication (e.g: Leaving, keeping, dreamie): blue heart - all dreamies all obtained
Villagers/Dreamies lined up in any specific formation? (e.g: all in a straight line, 5 at the top, 5 at the bottom) tony tony chopper in the middle so 5 on the right and 5 on the left
Outline text colour (this colour will appear around the text): you decide
Main text colour: 2259BF
Font (if left blank, I will decide): claudette-aime-le-chocolat
(not too big please...size 16)
Signature background (provide the URL): http://s1309.photobucket.com/user/K...sK391qz4rgp_zps3b64f726.gif.html?sort=3&o=134
Animated sig? yes
Any borders? (Cloud, Heart, Star) no
Coloured border? yes 0D449E
Curved border? (Only applies to a rectangular curved signature) curved
Scalloped border? no
Transparent white strip? no
Any extra add-ons? please put tony tony chopper in the middle of the lake...please include his round floating tube...his size...10x bigger than the dreamies....thanks heaps
transferred another 60 tbt