aflyingpenguin - That's a bit low for me. I was thinking 150k. I value the kart and bill blaster at around 50k each. Please let me know if you're fine with that.
I apologize that everything's not priced out. I will do pricing for everything tonight. I'll have to order them and get them to you tomorrow if that's alright? Your total will be 18k
Joyce - I apologize that everything's not priced out. I will do pricing for everything tonight. I'll have to order them and get them to you tomorrow if that's alright? Your total will be 18k
Heading to Drifloon's town next. Then brainy, then after that Eridan Ampora
LillyKay, I'll have your order done tonight. The shop was closed last night.
- - - Post Merge - - -
After this trade I have to go for a bit. I will respond to everyone as soon as I get back. :]