(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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I have Tex, Keaton, Robin, Antonio, Charlise, and Monique in my second town that are free whenever they ping to move. Let me know if you are interested in any of them
Looking for Marshal (not too extreme of a price) :lemon:
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Well I literally missed three opportunities to get her today.. :(

So I'm still looking for Deirdre! Pm me, I have a lot of TBT and only one dreamie left to find!
I am looking for any missed dreamie in my signature, please! I haven't free place to take them right now, but tell me if any of them wants to move out your town and I'll try my best to cycle my own!
Looking for Bunnie. Can offer Whitney, Zucker, Zell,Francine and Chrissy
Looking for Ruby desperately.. I just reset and need her so much :(

Hi, I have Ruby in the town of Tasmania and I'm not particularly fond of her... I'll let you know when she want out...

myself, I'm desperately seeking JULIAN
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I am looking for any missed dreamie in my signature, please! I haven't free place to take them right now, but tell me if any of them wants to move out your town and I'll try my best to cycle my own!

Hey, I have Lyman in my first town. I'm not going to be keeping him so I'll be moving him on really soon. I will let you know when he's in boxes. You can have him for free. :) I don't think he's 100% original though, furniture wise. He was one of my first 5. If that's alright, you're welcome to him. :)
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Looking for Diana.

I don't have a lot of bells, but will gladly trade her for Merry or Broffina.

I also have some few hybrids....
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