(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Savannah, Roscoe, Winnie, or any of my dreamies! :)
Can trade Bob, Static, Pashmina, Victoria, or Phil (when they ping/box, of course), I'm looking for all the non outlined dream animals in my sig, but mainly for Muffy, Carmen and Kabuki
Looking for Vesta for a friend, if she's moving please please PM me what you'd like and we can work out a trade!
Looking for Merengue. Preferably original. I have many bells and blue roses to offer.
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Hi guys!!!
~Im looking for only two more dreamies~
*****Skye the wolf Riryi.png
*******Pekoe the bear cub. Pekoe_NewLeaf_Official.jpg
Please message me if you have them.
I'm willing to pay LOTS for them <3
[LF] MARSHAL and LOLLY :) I'm trying to time travel SLY out- If maybe anyone is looking to trade. If anyone has MARSHAL or LOLLY i'm willing to offer 400,000 bells and a few hybrids :) Though It would be nice to have them for free...>.>
Lolly is in boxes!:D I'm searching for Blaire, Filbert, Marshall or Caroline! If you have one of these, she is yours :)
I have Bianca in boxes right now! I'm looking for the dreamies in my signature! :) or bells :p
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I'm urgently looking for Purrl or Portia. Flip is moving out of my town tomorrow and I'd love to have one of those two girls lined up.

I'm willing to trade Flip, items or Bells.
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