(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Fauna. T-T I don't have that much bells, but Fauna would be going to a forever home. I would treat her right and send her letters everyday. :)
Need Maple uwu If I can't get Maple, then searching for Flurry.
But if neither works, I'll settle for Bluebear @-@
I'm LF Punchy, Tom, Kid Cat & Marshal (my impossible dream) send me a message if you have any of them moving!
LF: Merengue & Marshal (i can offer Julian or Kyle for either), Kidd, Flip, or Whitney (i can offer bells or maybe other villagers)!!
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I am looking for Bob and Marshal.
I can offer bells and/or items that you want for free (if I have it available in my catalog).
I'd really appreciate it if you would respond to my post. Thanks! :)
By the way, I am new to trading, so please bear with me.
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