(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Need a villager one of these please

LF: Can be any of the following: Bluebear, Bianca, Cheri, Cookie, Flora, Felicity, Midge, Merry, Lolly, Beau, Daisy, Chevre,Flurry, Nana, Blanche, Skye, Whiteny, Fang, Freya. NO: PIGS, COWS, DUCKS, or ugly monkeys please, I don't like kangaroos or koalas, they need to be cute. Hopefully for free or 3 mil:)
Looking for Pietro will offer up to 10mill or even for free would be nice :)
Looking for Stitches. Please tell me the lowest you will take and I will try to make an arrangement. :)
Still looking for Melba!! Please reply. I'd like her for free since she's not very popular. However, I will pay either igb or tbt or both. Whatever your offer is, I will happily pay for her.
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