(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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I'm looking for Diana and Fang. I am willing to pay up to 25 million IGB for each of them. If you are interested, please let me know! Thank you!
Pudge is moving out soon, and I am going to auto void him if no one wants him. He is NOT original, please keep in mind.
still looking for the remaining villagers from my signature: Boone, Marshal, Naomi, Clay, and Ruby
I'm looking for Teddy, original or not doesn't matter. Please PM me if you have him. I can pay 20 million bells. However, I'm currently having 10 villagers so I would love you to reserve him :<
Looking for a completely original Teddy, willing to pay tbt if original, please pm me if you have him. c:
I'm still looking for Drift. Please send me a PM or VM if you have him and want to trade or sell him.
have original kabuki in boxes, looking for tbt ^^
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