I am looking for Vesta, Baabara, Rolf, Victoria, Kidd, Nan, Velma, Leonardo and Robin..basically my LF list minus del ATM but eventually...note still making space and a hold town so may need a minute to move or out more than a ten minute notice.
Also..I am looking for someone to do a very quick temp hold on Tiffany the snooty rabbit perhaps a cycler as I with no 3rd party town need to switch her and Lopez both have move dates but towns are at ten and they must go in each other's places. I don't see many people looking at the hold for me sub board often. This is a case of I need a place to put her while I move him over then take her right back to other cart town..this may happen in future with others as I quickly move about without a hold town ATM plus building that and cycling out would take much longer than less than 15 min transfer holds.. don't want to rid her and only need a very short hold like less than 10 mins if anyone can help with this message me. Thanks. Can pay a holding fee need be esp as need her or future temp hold back quickly.