I'm looking for the villagers in my sign, I will pay 1 mil. and 5 orange, 5 purple and 5 black roses for them. Do you have one of them and you don't need him/her anymore? I will gladly give that cutie a new home
Still looking for Skye and Lolly! I can trade Muffy, Goldie, or Bill for them! I know they may not be the most popular villagers, but hopefully some of you may be interested. Please PM me ~ ^^
Hello! I am looking for Yuka or Twiggy. I am offering millions of bells for either one. Yuka is my primary choice as we share a birthday. Please let me know!
Looking for Diana. Seriously. That's all I've been doing these last 2 days. Constantly refreshing Belltree, ACC, GameFAQs, Reddit. If you could end this torture I would be very grateful.