(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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If you have Genji, pm me, I've been searching for quite a while and have grown desperate. I'll pay 1 million igb or most of my tbt to anyone who can hand him over today!
Looking for Static. I can pay IGB and wish list items for him.

Or BTB as I've just noticed I have some of those now.
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Looking for Sally, Bill, and Static

I can trade either certain villagers, igb, or wish list items (I'd say tbt but I really don't have alot of it, I'd probably be able to give like 50 tbt but that'd be it.)

Villagers I can trade are in my signature below.
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I'm looking for Cherry!

I'm also selling Whitney in a thread now if anyone is interested :)
Looking for Caroline or Sally!! Can offer 18 million in game bells! please pm or vm me if you have either one of them! Sparro is moving out tomorrow but I can time travel him out early if I get someone to give me Caroline or Sally.
Looking for Sally, Bill, and Static

I can trade either certain villagers, igb, or wish list items (I'd say tbt but I really don't have alot of it, I'd probably be able to give like 50 tbt but that'd be it.)

Villagers I can trade are in my signature below.
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