(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Chevre. I'm willing to pay up to 150 TBT to anyone who is looking to sell her.
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LF: Rosie, Chrissy, Kitty, Merry, Olivia

Bold most wanted at the moment.

Offering large amounts of igb

Possibly trading Beau

Also looking for Cesar for a friend
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lf the following, seeking bold in particular, italics secondary and no decoration third

paying in igb, tbt & art (will provide examples); also currently have MAPLE moving in, very willing to swap!

Agnes - t4
Annalisa - t5
Beau - t1
Zell - t2
Blanche - t4
Lucky - t2
Merengue - t1
Mott - t5
Naomi - t5
Tia - t2
Walt - t5
Cheri - t3
looking for bunnie or any other peppy kitty .squirrel or rabbit
Hi everyone! Looking for Bruce, Cally, Bluebear and Goldie at the moment!

I have villagers like Molly, Olivia, Chevre and Tank I can trade! :]
Looking for:

will pay TBT for Marshal and Stitches, IGB for the rest (5 mil each)
Looking for bones, sterling, and curt! New to this trading stuff so I can only offer a bit of IGB, maybe some items if you tell me what you're looking for.
i have never had a dreamie move in before so I'd be thrilled to get one! I'm looking for Beau, Lolly, Marshal, Skye, Daisy, or Goldie :)
Looking for Lolly. I will trade Marshal for her, he is mostly original except there is a yellow-bar tee in his house :)
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