(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Baabara and Wendy.
I can offer IGB or TBT.
These are the last two sheep missing from my sheep town.
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Started a 2nd town c:
Looking for:
- Molly
- Marina
- Kiki
- Beau
- Graham
- Genji
- Dizzy
- Whitney
- Pekoe

can pay in IGB or TBT!!
if you have any please PM/VM me c:

Still looking for Graham, Dizzy, Whitney and Pekoe!!
can make room in my town ASAP if they are in boxes c:
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Hi! I'm looking for Pinky, my old-town best friend! She's not really popular, but I'm more than willing to pay with bells, villagers (Teddy or Grizzly, I don't really want them), or pixel art!
Hi there! I'm looking for the dreamies in my signature! please let me know if you have any of them available. I'll pay tbt for them gladly
Looking for an original Teddy for myself and Ruby for my bf (will pay tbt), if you have either of them please pm. c:
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looking for the villagers in my sig! offering btb!
for a 100% original lucky im willing to offer a pretty-original Kid Cat
Looking for any one of my dreamie villagers to fill a spot in my town that's going to open up!!


Willing to pay in TBT bells :)
Looking for: Bluebear, Ruby, Felicity. I can pay in TBT and in-game bells, please VM or PM if you have any of these villagers in boxes :)
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The last dreamie that I need to complete my town is Filbert, and I can't seem to find him anywhere, so if anyone happens to have him and is willing to sell him, I'll give just about anything. If you need any unorderable items, DLC's, bells, I can get you just about anything that you ask for. I'd prefer not to pay in TBT since he's a tier 4 and I'm trying to save up my TBT and give away my unwanted unorderables/DLC's, but yeah.
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