Looking for Julian! Please PM me ;v;
I don't have space until Truffles moves out (She's moving on the 3rd September. I don't mind time travelling, but I'd rather not time travel a whole week)
Please don't VM me as I occasionally don't get notified of it!
Willing to pay up to 15mil for a 100% original Julian, up to 10mil for a non original Julian ;v;
Looking for Penelope! I hope she likes cats 'cuz my town has a few. I have bells and most types of hybrids for offer (no blue hybrids though, sadly). I also have artwork (museum), glow wands, various seasonal furniture (Pave, Egg set, etc), tons of perfect cherries, and well.. name what you want and I'll see if I have it! I've wanted to have Penelope in my town for awhile now..
Looking for Tangy. She was my childhood favourite in the Gamecube games, and I'd love to have her again. My town also has a spare spot, and no peppies.
I've been outbid & also lost her due to timezones. Please help me find her.
I can offer TBT & or someone from my cycle town that you want. Please PM/VM me! Reply to my cycle thread if you want to trade.
I don't have IGB I tried to run a cycle town to make those, but end up with TBT so that's what I have. I also have a royal crown that I won.
Also when you search "Tangy in boxes" many of those threads have sold/voided Tangy--but have not closed the thread...