(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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I'm looking for Henry! He's been one of my dreamies for forever, and I lost him when I reset my town T_T Willing to take him for free or pay bells! PM if interested :)
I'm looking for Kyle. He's my nr. 1 dreamy, love him so much! Please PM me if you want to sell him
I have Bangle the tiger in my town and she is leaving in a couple days. I am also looking for a new lazy villager! I would REALLY like to get Cube if possible. PM me if interested. Thanks!
Erm, looking for Roscoe here. I was going to pick him up from a cycler, but our time zones are way too different, he'll probably be voided. If anyone else has a Roscoe they'd like to give to a good home, please let me know your price, I'd appreciate it so much.
Looking for Tia and Beau. And Fauna and Zucker, but Tia and Beau are my number one priorities right now. Please message me if either of the two (or four) are moving out of your town!
Looking for Diana, Chrissy, Marina and Lolly ^^ PM me if you would like to discuss further!
Only have three dreamies left. :) I am hoping someone can try to reserve Cally for me. And I say try, because I don't have room for another villager right this minute. I haven't seen her being giving away or sold a lot, so I am hoping someone can try and get her for me. :)
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Looking for Antonio and Hugh. willing to pay no more than 250k for each, since they aren't valued villagers by people
I'm looking for Knox! Please pm me if you have him and are willing to give him away. I can offer bells and some unorderables.
Thanks to a miscommunication with someone in which I forgot to time-travel forward and they wouldn't open their gate again, I missed out on getting Apollo... :(

Anyone who has him or ANY of my dreamies moving out TOMORROW OR LATER, PLEASE let me know!
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