(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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I'm looking for Knox! Please pm me if you have him and are willing to give him away. I can offer bells and some unorderables.
Avery is moving, I'll put him in boxes if anyone wants him! Otherwise, he's going into the void.
Thanks to the kindness and generosity of Hazu, I finally got Lucky my lazy dog ♥ I only have two dreamies left, but atm am more desperately searching for Chief!! ♥
I've been looking for Lyman for a while! Sprinkle too, but they're both hard to come by for one reason or another.
Looking for Amelia and Sterling for my spouse! I'll pay, just PM me!
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If anyone's looking for Celia, my friend rlly would like a golden rose for her! Shes in boxes rn ^^
Spent the entire weekend cycling villagers so I can get my old pal Rod back. If anyone is willing to let him go for me, I'd be very grateful! Please PM me.
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