(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for the following villagers:

Robin for my snooty
Ruby the bunny for my Peppy
Croque-- Cranky
and either Clay or Lucky for my Lazy
Deirdre -Uchi
Tutu - Peppy
Aurora - Normal
Hans for my Smug
Bud - Jock
I have Tangy now thanks to Kellybellydelly
I just made a second town and I have lots of room. I know that most of these are not top tiered, but if you're cycling any of them out I promise to give them a forever home.
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Looking for Bangle, Leonardo, Freya, Wolfgang, Goldie, Walker, Deirdre, Lopez, Molly and Pietro just restarted my town though so I don't have much yo offer but message me and maybe we can work something out!
Hello, I am looking for my final remaining dreamies: Goldie, Cherry, and Erik. I will be willing to pay bells for any of them. I can pay up to 8 million. PM if you have them and would like to help me out.
Got Curt. <3 Have to wait for a space for Alfonso.
But I have Beau who is all original if anyone wants to trade.
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I long to complete my second half, Zucker. I can trade Merengue or up to 7 million bells! :)
ahhh sprinkle unexpectedly moved out of my moms town and now she needs a new villager and would really love snake!!!! ;___;

IM AN IDIOT i forgot i also have maple, mitzi, tammy, sparro, hugh, maelle, and tutu to trade and also will be resetting for villagers so if you have snake please tell me who you want and if i get them then we can trade!!!!
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Looking for Goldie and Cherry.


Those three are my remaining dreamies. I will gladly pay bells for any of those villagers. I can pay up to 10 million. PM if you have any of those villagers and want to give them to a good home.
Looking for Sparro, Lopez, Marina, Flora, Amelia

Bam (moving soon)
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Looking for Marshal or Diana, those are my last two dreamies. ; u; Message me please if you have either for trade!
Just LF my last 2 dreamies, Julian and Chief!! And any villagers this loser named ash is lookin for :p
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