(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Rudy! He's one of my last dreamies! I can offer a few million Bells or trade Molly the normal duck for him!
Found him!!
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Wanting Mira badly. Will pay bells!
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Hey i searching for Rudy!!!
I can offer up to 20million bells for him.
I can trade with items, too.
he is my last dreamy i need! Please help me :)
I'm looking for Mallary at the moment. If anyone happens to have her and wants to get rid of her, please send me a PM or VM, make an offer and I'll see if I can afford it. If she's not original, I don't really care- I'll be manipulating her house's interior anyway.
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LOOKING FOR MITZI! WILL PAY 5MIL! I can also offer a few unorderables/DLC if that's what you're looking for.
SHEP the Smug Dog is in boxes and ready to move to your town.


I'll start a new thread for him later when I'm home, just wanna put the word out in advance.
Free to a good home as usual. Original shirt, house and all. Hopefully someone is looking for him ^^​
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