(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Rosoce, Halmet, Lopez, Chevre, Gala, Molly and Shari or Cherry for my little cousin :)

She could offer Charlise, Gruff, Beau, Frita, Ed and Bam :)
Still looking for all of the villagers I don't have in my signature. C:
i'm looking for lolly!! i can trade merengue, julian, or a bunch of any colored hybrid roses for her ^ O^
Looking for the dreamies in my sig but especially Renee, Chester, and Beau.
Trading Walker who is leaving soon. Or bells/wishlist items

looking for colton, phoebe, or walt
preferably phoebe or colton though ; b ;

can offer bells, furniture sets, DLC items, etc.
I'm looking for Julian the Unicorn. I didn't play for 5 darn days and he moved out, even though I talked to him every single other day of the year... Please, he's my favorite dream villager. I'm so devastated I lost him.

I can offer 4.6 millions bells and the entire Princess furniture series. That's how badly I want him back.

Please send me a message if you have him! :(
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