(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Carmen. Can offer in game bells, or hybrids if you're interested in those. If you want something else, I can see if I have it. I just really want Carmen. xD
Looking for Freya! She's my last dreamie and I've finally got a spot for her <3

Willing to pay lots! Please pm me if you have Freya in boxes.
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hi there! i'm currently looking for kabuki, lobo, genji, cube, coco, tangy, bluebear, and soleil
please let me know if you have any of these villagers! :D
Trading Stitches/200TBT

Looking for: Octavian, Phil/Marshal/Julian, Fauna/Marina, Genji, Ribbot
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Looking for kitt!
I dont care if shes original or not~
I dont have much money but i can offer the few I have plus some hybrids
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I'm still looking for Nana :) I wouldn't mind if she's not 100% original.
If you want to reply to my post, please write me a PM.
Looking for:
Beau, Lucky, Felicity, Cyrano/Fang, Willow, Snake/Teddy
I can offer in-game bells/items and/or TBT. I could also offer villager trades

I have for trade: Maple, Ribbot, Pecan, Cube, Chow (Taken) || Cycling town: Bruce, Walker, Frank, Pancetti, Pango, Tank.

I'd like to use my current villagers to trade, but if you've been looking for them a while, please feel free to leave me a VM for them. I'm not being very quick in getting them to leave, but if you're patient, I can work on it.
Looking for Freya! I desperately need to fill in a spot and she's the last wolf I need! I'm willing to pay any price, please pm/vim me if you have her in boxes!
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