(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Still looking for Ankha and Lolly! I got Fauna yesterday! Please pm me of you have these and are willing to trade, I can pay TONS!
Hi !
I'm still looking for Marshal, Whitney, Beau, Flo and Chevre :)
Please PM me if you have any of them and are willing to trade !
I am looking for my dreamies, but I am also on the hunt for Bluebear!!!! please pm me if you have her and are willing to give her to me, just name your price please!!!
Looking for Purrl or Olivia c:
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Still looking for Jacques and Purrl. Jacques being the main priority.
Looking for Bunnie, Ankha and Diana, can trade Tangy, Chrissy and Francine
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Hello everyone! I'm looking for tangy and snake! I'm willing to pay a lot of bells for them!
Looking for Apollo,Walt,Drago,Antonio,Lyman,Octavian,Puck,Leonardo, and kyle.

A friend of mine has both Antonio and Drago in her cycling town, no reservations though so you'll have to stalk the thread. I already asked her to remove Antonio from auto-void, however only temporarily. If you want him it would be nice if you could confirm the fact you want him by posting on the thread c:
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