(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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im looking for Boomer hes my second Dreamie and hes in the bottom tier so id love to take him off anyone's hands
Looking for marina! Offering bells + sloppy set or zodiac animal set or 7-11 set.
I finally cycled through enough villagers to get my Shari back, and I would love to have her in my town again. Every time I've seen a giveaway or sale for her I got so sad.. if you can help me, please PM me ;w;

I really want him so bad. I almost had a shot at getting him but had some miscommunication with the owner. :(
If anyone is willing to give him to me, I'd really appreciate it!
sadly i'm still looking for chrissy for the umpteenth day in a row, if anyone has her, please let me know :)
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