-Town Sig-
Friend Code:I dunno look to the left lol
Dream Address (Optional): N/A
Villagers (Optional):Yeah
Dreamies: N/A
Names of Villagers/Dreamies Present: Chrissy, Derwin, Snake, Kiki, Bruce, Gigi, Klaus and Kyle.
Sprite: Yeeah
If so which sprite for obtained?:A little 3 leaf clover (Green and yellow/gold)
Small Quote: Meow!
Type of Signature?:Like, what?
Font: Tiny Flying Spiders (Or whatever its called)
Main Color:Green
Text Location (Inside/Outside of Border?):Inside
Border (Rectangle/Curved Edges) & (Type of border Listed above):Rectangle
Background Image (Ex: #1, #2, #3 or PERSONAL Image Upload):#2
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional):Time Zone: Pacific and Native fruit: Cherries (I think)
Extra -Blinking Effect/Add Icon?-(Optional): Noh
Link Icon/Chibi/Shape here (Optional): Nope
Others: I don't know, sorry If I do this wrong. I want the border as #27!
Payment (IGB/TBT?): TBT I guess... Tell me how much this is though!
Did you read the Rules?: Most of 'em.
Referred By: My sister. (crunchbasket)