Aah thank you!
It looks just like I imagened :3
Glad you like it!
Aah thank you!
It looks just like I imagened :3
No problem accepted 80 tbt, once sent will post thank you!Thanks for the feedback as well it means a lot. I don't mind making signatures for returning customers so don't feel like you are such a burden haha. Welcome back!
sent! also your welcome uvu
Do you mind if I use some effects? Trying new themes and style out from my old previousBut if not I don't mind sticking with the original request!
sure! cant wait how it turns out!<3
oh my gosh it looks amazing ;0;<3
its so perfect!!
I've sent the 80 TBT!Mayor: Belle![]()
Town: Casper
Gender: Female
Friend Code: 1032-1510-7130
Dream Address (Optional): N/A
Villagers (Optional): N/A
Dreamies: Merengue*,Flurry*,Julian*,Lolly*,Ruby*,Diana*,Beau,Genji,Agnes,Fang
Names of Villagers/Dreamies Present: No
Sprite: Yes
If so which sprite for obtained?: White or Pink Rose
Small Quote: "Practice reckless optimism"
Type of Signature?: Town Signature
Font: Anything you think looks good
Main Color: A soft pink like FECECE or any other you think is best
Text Location (Inside/Outside of Border?): Inside
Border (Rectangle/Curved Edges) & (Type of border Listed above): Curved Edges and RANDOM
Background Image (Ex: #1, #2, #3 or PERSONAL Image Upload): http://s1375.photobucket.com/user/s..._n83lg5x5oQ1rorbzqo3_500_zpsroypjdjm.gif.html
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): Central Time Zone (UTC-06:00)
Extra -Blinking Effect/Add Icon?-(Optional): No
Link Icon/Chibi/Shape here (Optional): N/A
Others: N/A
Payment (IGB/TBT?): TBT
Did you read the Rules?: Yes
Referred By: N/A
Thank you!
Hi Simple! I was wondering if i could change Rudy to Beau and make Beau obtained? Im not sure how much that would be but if i can get that changed i would be happy.
Thank you for listening, Maddie!.
Name: Jonathan![]()
Font: Hand of Sean
Small Quote?: "I am gotting you!"
Background Image:http://sonic.wikia.com/wiki/File:SCO_LLS_Antoine_Coup.jpg
Chibi?:http://awesomeblossompossum.deviant...ench fry) AND (by:AwesomeBlossomPossum))&qo=0
If chibi who is the Artist?:AwesomeBlossomPossum
Any Gif Icon?: --
Did you read the Rules?: Yes!
Payment (IGB/TBT?): TBT!
Referred By: Regular Visitor, Pokemanz, Just seeing your art on TBT...etc.
If you were wondering why I want a new sig, blame my love for Archie Sonic. Plus, the Text Sig has always been my favorite! I'll put the last Sig you did for me in a spoiler box! \_(*U*)_/
Just PM Me with the price, Have a Nice Day!
Town: Lavender
Gender: F
Friend Code:
Dream Address (Optional): 4300-5569-2084
Villagers (Optional): Bianca, Rolf, Lionel, Purrl, Mitzi, Merry, Melba, Dizzy, Deirdre, Chief
Names of Villagers/Dreamies Present: N
Sprite: N
If so which sprite for obtained?:
Small Quote:
Type of Signature?: Town signature
Font: Easy Rider
Main Color: Light purple/pink? Or whatever you think looks best
Text Location (Inside/Outside of Border?): Inside
Border (Rectangle/Curved Edges) & (Type of border Listed above): Rectangular curved
Background Image (Ex: #1, #2, #3 or PERSONAL Image Upload): http://media.giphy.com/media/F5kksXwisrU40/giphy.gif
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): Y Native fruit cherry
Extra -Blinking Effect/Add Icon?-(Optional): N
Link Icon/Chibi/Shape here (Optional):
Payment (IGB/TBT?): TBT
Did you read the Rules?: Y
Referred By: Just browsing threads
Lots of blanks - hope that made sense!
I've sent the 80 TBT!
I need a sig for my alt. town that I'll put in a spoiler under my main town ^u^![]()
Mayor: Lucas
Town: Castelia
Gender: Male
Friend Code: 2423-4244-5240
Dream Address (Optional): n/a
Villagers (Optional): n/a
Dreamies: n/a
Names of Villagers/Dreamies Present: N
Sprite: N
If so which sprite for obtained?: n/a
Small Quote: Gotta cycle them all!
Type of Signature?: Town sig
Font: always forever or Hand of Sean, can't decide
Main Color: very pale blue
Text Location (Inside/Outside of Border?): inside
Border (Rectangle/Curved Edges) & (Type of border Listed above): Curved rectangle with your choice of two edged border~
Background Image (Ex: #1, #2, #3 or PERSONAL Image Upload): Click click~
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): Yes to time zone; PST
Extra -Blinking Effect/Add Icon?-(Optional): glow to white border around text again? C:
Link Icon/Chibi/Shape here (Optional): n/a
Others: you're free to make any changes!
Payment (IGB/TBT?): TBT
Did you read the Rules?: Yep!
Referred By: n/a
I think that's it? It's going to pretty similar to my last sig I ordered uwu
@Lemon Pop, changed my mind haha. Here you go! Hope you like it! Please use the HTML Code provided below if used! ty~
HTML:[center] [URL="http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?264210-Simple-Shop-*Signatures*-0-4"][img]http://i.imgur.com/9TuAAwc.gif[/img][/URL] [/center]
No problem 15 tbt~
- - - Post Merge - - -
No problem hah 80 tbt and will have it done for you tonight or tomorrow morning ty!
- - - Post Merge - - -
No problem 70 tbt and will post when finished ty~
- - - Post Merge - - -
got it ty
@Daisy The Dog I have finished your signature request! Please use the HTML Code provided below if used. The changes were agreed upon by you, thank you!
HTML:[center] [URL="http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?264210-Simple-Shop-*Signatures*-0-4"][img]http://i.imgur.com/jSGUMAT.gif[/img][/URL] [/center]
- - - Post Merge - - -
@madsassycat Here is your udpatePlease use the HTML Code.
HTML:[center] [URL="http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?264210-Simple-Shop-*Signatures*-0-4"][img]http://i.imgur.com/v7UWksJ.gif[/img][/URL] [/center]