Senior Member
OMG, Its amazing, thanks!!
Mayor: Lauren![]()
Town: Honeydew
Gender: Female
Friend Code: 3583-1422-4684
Dream Address (Optional): no thanks~
Villagers (Optional): See my Dreamies below ~ vv
Dreamies: Flora, Rosie, Fauna, Lolly, Diana, Erik, Fang, Fuchsia, Marshal
Names of Villagers/Dreamies Present: All my villagers are dreamies so xD
Sprite: Yes
If so which sprite for obtained?: n/a
Small Quote: Don't bother me with all of your reality
Type of Signature?: Animated sig
Font: Can I ask you to use whatever you think looks best? I can't decide....
Main Color: pink maybe, or whatever color flatters the gif colors the most.
Text Location (Inside/Outside of Border?): inside
Border (Rectangle/Curved Edges) & (Type of border Listed above): border #10
Background Image (Ex: #1, #2, #3 or PERSONAL Image Upload): clicky
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): time zone: CST
Extra -Blinking Effect/Add Icon?-(Optional): no~
Link Icon/Chibi/Shape here (Optional):
Others: ~
Did you read the Rules?: Yes
Referred By: no one
Payment Amount: 100? I think? if it's more for any reason thats fine :3
No problem with border its 110Once sent will post when finished. Thank you~ Keep in midn you have 9 villagers? not 10? Who is your 10th ?
I have Stitches but I'm trying to make him leave so there's no point in including himidk who my next dreamie is, but if I get another villager to replace Stitches at some point would you be willing to edit the sig for a fee? also sending BTB~
It's so beautiful, thank you!!! <3
@Yuelia I have finished your signature, if used please use the HTML Code provided below! Thank you! Any feedback would be great~
HTML:[center] [URL="*Signatures*-0-4"][img][/img][/URL] [/center]
Oh I love it!~ <33
Name: Joan![]()
Description: She's cute, kind and fun.
Font: Kittysoon
Small Quote?: N/A
Background Image or Color: Whatever looks nice
Any Border or Random?: Anything
Chibis?: I don't have any
Personal Images or Mayor Images:Artist's Name: N/A![]()
The dress:
Shoes (kimono sandals):
Any Gif Icon?: N/A
Specific Detail?: N/A
Characteristics/Personalities?: In the description part
Which Colors to extract?: Eyes, hair, flower and dress
Any Effects?: I don't mind
Referred By: N/A
Payment Amount: 100tbt?
Name: Pearl![]()
Artist's name if giving credit: buuunii
Background: whatever looks nice
Any specific shape?: I don't mind
Did you read the Rules?: Y/N
Referred by anyone?: No
Payment Amount: 60tbt?
Hiya Simple! ^_^ I said I'd be back, didn't I? Lol. I'd like for you to update my signature please!
Would you be able to move Walker behind Stitches, remove Cookie, and replace her with Ankha? Thanks so much! Please let me know how much I owe you! (^_^)
I forgot about Skye on my sig. Can I pay 50 TBT for extra work if you put her on their (I dunno how long these take to make).
Hi simple, not sure if you saw my post, but was wondering how much btb I should send you before I afk for a while! c: