Guess who got a second copy of the game... Signature time. <u<
Mayor: Blossom
Town: Sorbet
Gender: Female
Friend Code: 1091-9457-2739
Dream Address (Optional): X (I'll update the sig later)
Villagers (Optional):
(Papi, Daisy, Bones, Cookie, Kiki, Tia, Merengue, Marshal, Bluebear, Marcie)
Dreamies: No
Small Quote: "Stressed spelled backwards is Desserts !"
Type of Signature?: Animated
Font: KG ways to say Good bye + KG Eyes wide open for Town name
Main Color: Not sure what to pick with that background. I'd like gradients tho, I let you judge what is best.
Text Location (Inside/Outside of Border?): Inside
Border (Rectangle/Curved Edges) & (Type of border Listed above): New lace border ? or #19
Background Image :
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): No
Extra -Blinking Effect/Add Icon?-(Optional):Yes ! Town name slow Blink
Did you read the Rules?: I know them by heart now I guess. XD
Referred By: X
Payment Amount: Mmh as we have buisness together already what about you deduct the price of the signature from the 500 TBT of the avatar ? :3 This way you pay 370-380 something ?
Thank you !