Ohhhmygosh, they're so gorgeous!!! You made it sooo hard to choose!!! XD Uhmmm? I think the first then. lol
Ohhh! Just something small, you mixed up the native fruit and obtained sprites! XD
I will fix that for you
Ohhhmygosh, they're so gorgeous!!! You made it sooo hard to choose!!! XD Uhmmm? I think the first then. lol
Ohhh! Just something small, you mixed up the native fruit and obtained sprites! XD
@Rexy Here you go! Updated!
HTML:[center] [URL="http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?264210-Simple-Shop-*Signatures*-0-4"][img]http://i.imgur.com/e7Rseu1.gif[/img][/URL] [/center]
WOW! This looks absolutely amazing! :3 Good job, I may order something later today cx
Oh my goodness these are beautiful. And somewhat complex. I hope I did this right...
Mayor: Lucille![]()
Town: Baker
Gender: Female
Friend Code: 0946-2417-4090
Dream Address (Optional): 4100-4431-1873
Villagers (Optional): Julian, Freya, Phoebe, Tia, Marshal, Lobo, Fang, Sprinkle
Dreamies: Julian, Freya, Phoebe, Tia, Fang, Diana, Drago, Friga
Names of Villagers/Dreamies Present: No
Sprite: Y
If so which sprite for obtained?: Blue Rose
Small Quote: ?It's quite exciting," said Sherlock Holmes, with a yawn.?
Type of Signature?: Animated
Font: Typewriter
Main Color: Whatever looks good.
Text Location (Inside/Outside of Border?): Inside.
Border (Rectangle/Curved Edges) & (Type of border Listed above): Curved Edges and #18
Background Image (Ex: #1, #2, #3 or PERSONAL Image Upload): http://media.giphy.com/media/Gx1MRDrT15CSc/giphy.gif
Others: Could I get a silhouette of Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock in there? I can provide the image if need be, I just want to know if it's possible.
Payment (IGB/TBT?): TBT.
Did you read the Rules?: Y. Many times. So many details. @.@ But this is the first signature shop that's tempted me to leave behind the one I made when I joined.
hey! would you mind updating the villagers in my sig? my current villagers are merengue, fauna, julian, zell, colton, erik, diana, beau and marshal! sending the tbt rn
Mayor: Jasmine☆![]()
Town: Midnight
Gender: Female
Friend Code: 2938-8533-1841
Dream Address (Optional): No thanks :3
Villagers (Optional): Nope cx
Dreamies: Peoke, Marshal, Stitches, Fucshia, Tangy, Kid Cat, Ankha, Kabuki, Clay, Pecan
Names of Villagers/Dreamies Present: Dreamies present; Peoke, Marshal, Stitches, Tangy, Fucshia, Ankha
Sprite: Yes
If so which sprite for obtained?: Maybe some sort of flower?? What types do u have available?
Small Quote: "Create your own happiness"
Type of Signature?: Town/ Villager
Font: Easy Rider
Main Color: A light blueish or purpleish color. Whichever looks better in your opinion. <3
Text Location (Inside/Outside of Border?): Inside of border
Border (Rectangle/Curved Edges) & (Type of border Listed above): Rectangle edges, #15 border, which I believe is the double heart border
Background Image (Ex: #1, #2, #3 or PERSONAL Image Upload): I'd like this one please (first choice): http://jay.mobile9.com/download/media/41/beautifuls_GkXvKMya.gif
Or if that one is too large and you can't make it smaller, please use this one (second choice):
Or this one (third choice):
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): Yes please: Time zone; Pacific Day Time UTC-8
Native fruit; Apple
Extra -Blinking Effect/Add Icon?-(Optional): No
Link Icon/Chibi/Shape here (Optional): No
Others: You can put the dreamies that I listed in any random order that you'd like. And please don't line them up, but instead put them in just random positions on the signature. Thanks so much!! ^-^
Payment (IGB/TBT?): IGB
Did you read the Rules?: Yes
Referred By: Nobody, just looking through different threads and saw it myself. x3
I hope I did everything right! Please let me know if there's anything I missed. c:
Please tell me when my sig is done![]()
Mayor: Joe
Town: Palette
Gender: Male
Friend Code: 0404-8518-4642
Dream Address (Optional):
Villagers (Optional):
Dreamies: Mira, Rudy, Ankha, Stitches, Lucky, Cherry, Tia, Tangy, Pietro, Cookie (I have them all except cookie so don't add sprite to just her)
Names of Villagers/Dreamies Present: N
Sprite: Y
If so which sprite for obtained?: Red Rose
Small Quote: Tomorrow Is Another Day
Type of Signature?: ?? Animated, I have a background gif...
Font: Always Forever
Main Color: Garnet
Text Location (Inside/Outside of Border?): Inside
Border (Rectangle/Curved Edges) & (Type of border Listed above): Rounded make sure you get rid of the bad word in the corner..
Background Image (Ex: #1, #2, #3 or PERSONAL Image Upload): I have to copy it so I'll send it right after
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): Y/N? Which? Pear
Extra -Blinking Effect/Add Icon?-(Optional): Y/N? No thanks
Link Icon/Chibi/Shape here (Optional): No thank you
Others: I hope you can use the gif I'm sending uf not just pm me c: Also I switched accounts so I have been here before but I think my account has been open a month
Payment (IGB/TBT?): igb
Did you read the Rules?: Y ofc
Referred By:
Thank you I'll get the gif now
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I hope I put in the gif right, but please put the border over the cuss word :\ and if you could out the text to the side of the Garnet, that would be great, if you cant use this gif don't worry it's fine j can get more, and if I didn't give enough detail sorry, but I'll will be satisfied no matter what! You're great at this and you haven't let me down yet! Keep it up!
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No problem accepted! I will put the villagers in a zigzag form because I will be choosing the 2nd image you have posted only because it looks awesome! I also would like to clarify that the double heart border is a new border type that isnt in my shop, is only through examples. If you look 1-2 pages back from this page you can see other people's double heart border, but the #15 is only a heart border. So if you want the double heart border, I can do that for you. But your request WILL BE ON HOLD until you answer the question. This will be total of 80 tbt, Please send so I can post when finished and responded toalso ty for bump!
Also the font easy rider is a good choice, but it is a boyish font, I have a lot of new fonts I am testing out, would you like to consider a random font?
Thank you for your support! That means a lot to me! I been inactive today, but will be active tonight and will be working on signatures! I see you are offline, but your request will be on hold until you answer the following questions!
1. You Listed both villagers and dreamies. There needs to be 10 of villagers or dreamies. It would be wise to list me your 10 dreamies and tell me which you have obtained and are currently in your town so I can mark with the Blue rose you indicated with. If you wish to only tell me the villagers you currently have I can just mark them as villagers and not obtained.
2. You may include the image hence why your request will be on hold untill I get every image for your signature.
This will be total of 100 tbt WITh the image, without image would be 80 tbt. Please send when you can so I can post when finished ty!
Ok i was going to fill my aplication thingy but idk if its ok(bc of my accounts age) ? I will pay with tbt
Ooh, by the way, I can't seem to find what the double heart border looks like actually. Is there a specific name I should look for it under?![]()
(I really need to figure out how to undo the fact that I'm marked as invisible...someday I'll find that setting. Someday.)
1) Oops. I don't actually have ten villagers right now or ten dreamies total. I have obtained Julian, Freya, Phoebe, Tia, and Fang, and am still looking for Diana, Drago, and Friga, if the eight is okay. ^^; I was planning on a transient last pair to keep the town fresh.
2) Fantastic! The image is here: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d1/02/6a/d1026a74ea2e6ea7dabaf8c87dcd8c84.jpg
Thanks so much! I'll send the TBT shortly.
No problem request away, rules will be changing soon ?
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It is a hidden border and is posted throughout my shop for hints to where to find it. It is a hidden border and I only let people request it if they had 2 requests from me previously, so it wouldn't be fair! But check 3-4 pages prior to this page and you can see what I am talking about. It is an actual FULL BORDER with 2 heart and curves. not #15 though. Your request will be on hold untill answered ty
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No problem. Accepted will have it posted within 30-40 minutes from now. also for the question above. You go to
SETTINGS ABOVE, THEN CLICK ON GENERAL SETTINGS and it will say invisible or not invisible![]()
Hmm, I am not quite sure exactly what one u are talking about, so I think I'll just go with whatever u think would look best! Up to u! As long as the shape of the signature is still a rectangle. cx
@Harmonia Here is your updated signature, next time just tell me to switch out ankha for julianTy! Please use the HTML Code provided below.
HTML:[center] [URL="http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?264210-Simple-Shop-*Signatures*-0-4"][img]http://i.imgur.com/tPb5wUm.gif[/img][/URL] [/center]
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Oh uhm. Well I will show you.. but will not be using it anymore just to be fair. Unless paid 15 tbt extra. because it is a unique border. 2 pages prior to this page you will see what I am talking about.
For example:
This is the double heart borderBut I will be using a random border. ty!