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Hi! Can i have 10 Pink cosmos, 20 pink lillies, 5 clovers and 10 pink roses! I can pick them up. VM/PM me once you've seen this please! Thank you :)
Can I purchase 10 Blue Roses, 10 Black Roses, 5 Blue Pansies, 5 Purple Pansies, 3 Pink Lilies, 3 Blue Violets, 4 Purple Tulips, 3 Pink Tulips. Should be 43 TBT total, tell me if I miscounted though.
Hello! May I take 5 Blue Hydrangeas, 4 gold roses, 3 black roses, 3 blue roses, 3 pink roses, and 2 orange roses?
20 BTB please :)
Sorry guys. I was at work the whole day. Lmk whats your available time. If you order bushes/clovers it may take a while but not like a day or so. Ill be available tonight until 3 am PST!
Helloo :) Can I buy 115 wrapped clovers for 115 tbt?
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Hello! Could I please buy 30 pink roses, 30 purple roses, 30 orange roses, 30 blue roses, 20 black roses and 10 pink carnations please?

This would total to 150 TBT?
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May I buy 34 pink lilies and 4 white carnations please? It's 38 TBT right?
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Awesome! I'll add you and open the gates then :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ah, I put 30 but I edited it to 34 so that's why my math was a little off there. Sorry~ Bells sent though ^^
Hello! I hope I'm not reading any of this incorrectly and you're out of stock on these things. May I buy 4 blue roses, 4 pink carnations, and 80 clovers?
A little reminder, I won't be online the whole day to orrow for I have work. I'll be online 8 pm in the evening but just for a limited time.

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