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  1. TBT Bells
hii, can i come? ^_^

cou from pumpkin!
Hello, I'm new to trading with tbt. How would I give you 10 tbt? Assuming it's the bells under my username. I am interested in catalogging your halloween collection.
Hello, I'm new to trading with tbt. How would I give you 10 tbt? Assuming it's the bells under my username. I am interested in catalogging your halloween collection.
That's correct, it's the bells under your username :)

To give tbt you first click my username, click on my "Bells" then lastly you click "Donate"
Do you happen to have the spider tights? I’m only interested in cataloging them in all color variations (4)
Do you happen to have the spider tights? I’m only interested in cataloging them in all color variations (4)
I don't, sorry :(

What I have to catalog are the new clothing introduced in the Halloween update, which includes:

Mage's dress
Flashy animal costume
Magic academy robe
Raggedy outfit
Flashy pointy ear animal hat
Flashy round ear animal hat
Mage's striped hat
Impish horns
Impish wings
Magic academy hood
Animal nose
Horizontal striped tights
Flashy animal boots
Mage's boots
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