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  1. TBT Bells
I need to time travel so I can have more pumpkins, can you craft like a bunch of them? 20 or 10?
I can craft for you as many as you need but if I'm using my own materials each craft is 3 TBT each. So if I craft 10 that's 30 TBT, if I craft 20 it'll cost 60 TBT.
I have my own materials, just need to tt so my pumpkins will grow
If you'd like you can just bring me the iron nuggets and clay and I'll use my pumpkins. Since you'd be providing 2 out of 3 materials I can craft for you for free ☺️

Unless you would still like to tt, up to you.
Hiya, I'd be interested in having the Spooky Carriage made for me. I can provide all the materials.
- 30× Orange Pumpkin,
Hardwood NH Inv Icon.png
20× Hardwood,
Wood NH Inv Icon.png
20× Wood,
Softwood NH Inv Icon.png
20× Softwood, and
Iron Nugget NH Inv Icon.png
10× Iron Nugget
Thank you! :geek:
Hiya, I'd be interested in having the Spooky Carriage made for me. I can provide all the materials.
- 30× Orange Pumpkin,
Hardwood NH Inv Icon.png
20× Hardwood,
Wood NH Inv Icon.png
20× Wood,
Softwood NH Inv Icon.png
20× Softwood, and
Iron Nugget NH Inv Icon.png
10× Iron Nugget
Thank you! :geek:
One Spooky carriage coming right up! 💖 Dodo should be visible to you now~
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