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  1. TBT Bells
Hiya! May I stop by if you're still accepting? ^-^
Hello! Thank you so much for doing this; it’s very kind of you! I would love to drop by if you’re still available and whenever there’s space! 😊
Hello! Thank you so much for doing this; it’s very kind of you! I would love to drop by if you’re still available and whenever there’s space! 😊
May I please come?
Both of you now added to the Queue!

Please make certain to read the OP so you will know when it's your turn!
❤Open again to everyone!❤

Please read the OP carefully so as you all understand how this event will work :)

All right ya'll come on through~ 😎
I would love to come by if still possible! <3 Ty for doing this.
My in-game is Meo.
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