

Just chilling
Oct 11, 2020
Pavé Purple Feather
Jingle Christmas Doll
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Jingle Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Lump of Coal
Winter Mittens
Kapp'n Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Lump of Coal
I was just minding my own business then it came to me does the balloons mean different things when they are different colors and probably one of you people know so please help me
Taken from the Animal Crossings wikia page:

Balloon colors correspond to materials, though not in the way that was previously thought. Instead of certain colours correspond to certain rewards, it is certain rewards correspond to certain colors. Currently, only material and bell balloon color distributions are known for certain. The rest of the distribution has been found through testing and might not be entirely accurate.

  • Material balloon are always blue.
  • Bell balloons are always yellow.
  • Clothing balloons are green 1/3 of the time, red 1/3 of the time, yellow 2/9 of the time and blue 1/9 of the time.
  • Furniture balloons are green 2/23 out of the time and other colors the rest.
  • Recipe balloons are green 14/45 of the time, blue 11/45 of the time, and yellow or red the rest.
Thank you :)
No problemo. 😊

I didn't realise each balloon colour represented a certain present when they float by until I look it up a few weeks back. I have yet to see a golden balloon float across my island though, when that happens I'll be one very happy island dweller.
Taken from the Animal Crossings wikia page:

Not sure how correct the percentage accuracy is on the Wiki, but it is correct for the most part comparing it to the guide the data miners have put together. Since percent chance of each item is based on whether or not you hit 10+ balloons or less, it may hurt those percentage scores unless this was accounted for.
