Unfortunately no. I have to get off in a few minutes. But I'll be on here from 2pm onwards tomorrow, I'll make sure to PM you! (My time is currently GMT-4)
How much would you want for sloppy sink? :3
Would you be interested in trading your sweets set for an ice set? :3
Sure, I haven't cataloged that one yet so why not. ;P Is it all 11 furniture pieces with wallpaper & flooring?
Yup! It's the entire set including wallpaper and carpet. :3
Give me a moment to collect the stuff from my museum display. xD
Your town or mine?
My gates are open if you'd like to do it in my town. c:
If you're still here, I can give you a whole slew of the Gyroids you need:
Mega Buzzoid
Mega Lamentoid
Mega Oboid
Mega Poltergoid
Mega Sproid
Mini Buzzoid
Tall Alloid
Tall Harmonoid
Tall Poltergoid
Tall Warbloid
Really I'm just cleaning out my Gyroids so you can just have them
Yep! I'll be over momentarily