Coca Cola vs Pepsi

Which soft drink is the best?

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100% coca cola. it's no question, no contest, not even close. the sweet nectar of coke topples pepsi 1000 times over. pepsi wishes it could be coke. pepsi cries itself to sleep at night wondering how it could be as good as coke. coca cola has been the superior beverage for years, and will be remembered as the superior beverage. archaeologists 300 years from now will marvel at the range and extensiveness of the coke brand. pepsi will be lost to time as the inferior beverage. no one will remember pepsi's name. though, maybe pepsi did have the better video game...

I usually drink Diet Coke, as I feel that original Coca-Cola and Pepsi make my teeth feel sticky. However, if I had to choose between the original variants, I would vote for Coca-Cola. Plus, I have some Coca-Cola merchandise, including a Coca-Cola Polar Bear!