If I wasn't already drowning in normals, I would totally have Coco on my island. I might actually let her pass through, since I can't decide on my last dreamie. And then knowing me I'll probably get attached and let her stay >_<
both are great but i think i prefer coco! while she’s definitely a bit creepy, i honestly really appreciate her uniqueness and think that she’s super cool. :’^)
Bunnie is very underrated imo. I always wanted to give her a chance and so far I saw her twice on a mystery island but didn't pick her because I was on the search for another villager. If I see her again, I would invite her this time, since I find Bunnie pretty adorable. Coco has a unique design and I do like her, however, I find her at the same time kinda boring. She lived once on my island and I wasn't able to really build up a friendship with her.