probably tea lattes! I drink a lot of matcha lattes, some of my other favorites are chai and earl gray. I just enjoy tea in general over coffee though, my mom made it for us when we were younger and although I like coffee I feel like overall I prefer the flavors available with tea! I’ve gotten my boyfriend into tea too (not sure if he likes it more than coffee now or not though haha)
I love me some tea. Not a big fan of coffee, though my grandpa makes a good cup of coffee with a majority of the cup being sugar.
I like hot tea with sugar and honey. Herbal or green, preferably. I also enjoy a chai latte with almond milk. Matcha is also nice.
I love both! I generally tend to binge Tea more, though, and have Coffee later at night to keep me awake. Seriously one of the first things I do if I'm bored is go and make a hot beverage.
I love tea! I have forced myself to try and like coffee and didn’t like it, it’s just so bitter. I love my tea with milk and honey, but I could drink it straight if I wanted to.
in the summer i lean towards iced coffee, because with the keurig it's easier to make. normally I like to brew my tea leaves though (i have an entire hoard)
I prefer tea over coffee. I am very particular with coffee, I don't drink it so much for the caffeine, I drink it for the fruity coffee taste that come with a well-made espresso (obtainable from good baristas with skills). Before the pandemic, I would frequent coffee shops that made good coffee. I dislike cold coffee or sugary cream-topped coffee like frappucino, it's always the good old espresso that does it for me
With tea, I do drink tea from tea bags (mostly from Ahmad Tea, Boh, Twinings & Lipton) but I prefer tea leaves in a pot (especially white tea, my favourite). I like to just brew a pot of tea and seat down to read a book when I am trying to relax my mind
Coffee is my brain juice. I love it.
I drink it black mostly if I’m home but I love the dark chocolate ice blend And dark chocolate latte ( with an extra shot of espresso) from Coffee bean and Tea Leaf. Not fond of tea but I do love a good Chai Latte. Coffee Bean has a great one
I also love Vietnamese style iced coffees too
I absolutely love-LOVE the smell of coffee, but for some reason, I just can't drink the stuff. It's just so gosh-darn bitter! Even with all the sweeteners and hodgepodge of creams and flavors, it's just not my cup of tea. Ha. Get it? Because tea rocks. I love the stuff. I pretty much only drink water on any given day, but hand me tea, and ima slurp that stuff up.