collectible correction


Top Flake
Aug 14, 2013
I sent a yellow candy to "milly" and it should have gone to "miily" - I purchased the correction and configured it. Will it automatically fix the problem??? Ugghhh or Mods Help Me!!
I checked the shop and it said

"...Be advised that this is a manual process and may take up to a week to go through."

So I don't think it's automatic :/
Btw thank you for the candy...
Oh great. The user I sent it to hasn't been active for over a year. So contacting them won't help. Thanks for the input and you're welcome!
Actually, I bought a collectible correction and its been over a week. Its a birthstone, so it was my only option.
Actually, I bought a collectible correction and its been over a week. Its a birthstone, so it was my only option.

I was going to bump this post in about a week or so. You could try pm'ing a mod but sit and wait is the best advice. Hope you get your issue fixed.
An admin will pm you at some point, but it might take a week or so.

It took a month for a person to get their birthstone back when they sent it to me.
While it may not seem like it, correcting these errors is a time-consuming process and only Jeremy has the ability to do it. It'll be dealt with when he has the time.
While it may not seem like it, correcting these errors is a time-consuming process and only Jeremy has the ability to do it. It'll be dealt with when he has the time.

I was not complaining. There is no way I know how any of you handle technical matters. It was simply a bump. Sometimes things do get misplaced or overlooked.
He's on vacation at the moment as well.