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Hi Jhine! Could I please trade in my White Crescent Moon and buy your Space Whale Plush minus discounts? 🐳

2000*0.94 =1880
-1700 (moon)
= 180 TBT owed to you

Let me know if I missed anything, and I'll send the moon/TBT to you 😊
Hi Jhine! Could I please trade in my White Crescent Moon and buy your Space Whale Plush minus discounts? 🐳

2000*0.94 =1880
-1700 (moon)
= 180 TBT owed to you

Let me know if I missed anything, and I'll send the moon/TBT to you 😊
Hey S.J.! All looks good here :) any message? Thanks so much!
Anytime! Thanks for participating :) 150 more sent your way!
and #1

thank you so much!! i love the forum egg hunts a lot, so this was a fun little contest to tide me over until april haha ❤️
Hi again, Jhine7! Could I please get the ISC Star Fragment with my shop credit and the 2% discount I have? (1% from First Message Reaction & 1% from Positive Feedback)?

800 * 2% = 784 TBT

(Please let me know if I'm incorrect!)
Hi again, Jhine7! Could I please get the ISC Star Fragment with my shop credit and the 2% discount I have? (1% from First Message Reaction & 1% from Positive Feedback)?

800 * 2% = 784 TBT

(Please let me know if I'm incorrect!)
Hi Hatori! All looks great here :) sending over now, thanks so much!