Trading Colton in boxes!

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Nov 13, 2013
100% (1) +
Villager Offered: Colton

Dream Villager(s): Marshal Stitches Beau Fauna Rudy Shep Whitney Papi Purrl Filbert Apple Bunnie Portia Biskit Bones Graham

Date they’re moving: Moving Today!!!!!

Species/Personality: Smug Horse
Do villagers offered to you have to be in boxes? Preferred or be willing to tt hopefully

Additional info: working on getting ice set and flower set and the lunar horizon wallpaper, really dont have any of these so I would love some,and I need intact silver axes. And of course bells,

Anybody interested? Highest bid wins, dream villagers elevate to the top
I will be accepting bids all day and checking in periodically.
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Your 2mil is the highest bell offer today, I am waiting until 9 pm Pacific time zone (GMT - 8:00) before I decide who gets him, I am very interested in your offer as well as villager offers, stay tuned :)

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To covecrossing, are you still interested in offering him? tting is preferred though, hope that isn't a inconvenience
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If you could keep him from moving untill tomorrow, I could trade Rudy, and 1mil bells?
Since MayorAlex said "could" instead of "can" if it doesn't work out, I'll still be interested.
well I actually will be in college classes for 9:30 am until 3:30 pm, its my long day, could we find a time after that possibly?

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Covecrossing if this doesn't work out I will definitely keep you in mind :)
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