Do you ever feel embarrassed for liking Unpopular/Ugly Villagers?

Why should I be embarrassed? There are hundreds of villagers, everyone’s going to have their favorites.
Not embarrassed! And I hope other people won't be, I think that's what's so nice about animal crossing is there's a huge variety of different looking villagers, that some will just speak to people and others won't at all. I for sure have some I find completely repulsive, but then there's others I know some people cannot stand and I love them a lot! And also the ones people forget about too, like, Peck, I never see people hate on him, I barely see people talk about him at all, he's very forgotten..

I would feel embarrassed if I actually did feel bad for liking an "ugly" or "low tier" villager.
I have posted about this before, but happy to recap! I first met Rodney when I designed his vacation home in HHP. I immediately loved him, and decided to take extra measures to get him to my island!

Out of curiosity, I did an online search, and found he was hated. So much so that there were entire chat groups on big forums dedicated to how ugly he was and people would laugh about treating him awful to get him to move off the island.

I am not embarrassed. I still love him, and more so than ever after reading all the hate. I have learned to mostly stay clear of the popularity lists... if I see a villager, and fall for them, then I love them and don't care about other people's opinions.

I don't care what people might think of my villager choices in my games. I'd probably appreciate if someone compliments my choices, since I like to come up with themes to base my towns/islands around and choose villagers who fit that theme. So, if someone saw that and they like what I put together, nice. However, if it's a negative opinion, then it doesn't matter to me.

I have favorite villagers from across every tier and the only time I paid attention to tier lists was back in New Leaf when people would price the villagers in their shops on here differently based on their location in the tier list. It was kind of nice that some of the villagers I would want aren't as popular since it would save me some TBT. After the amiibo were introduced, I became increasingly untethered from the need to adopt villagers from other players and in New Horizons I was completely untethered and didn't need to adopt villagers from anyone else.

It's my game at the end of the day, I'm the one that is going to spend the vast majority of my time with it. If I enjoy my villagers then that is all that matters.
Surprisingly, no! I say surprisingly because I very much do get embarrassed about liking unpopular/hated games, movies, characters, etc
But for some reason, I have no shame about loving "uggo" villagers 😆

In fact, it kind of makes it feel more special when I see other people show appreciation for these unpopular characters- there's tons of love and fanart out there for some of my favs like Bob and Raymond, but seeing people gush about and make art for my unpopular favs like Renée and Truffles is much more rare, and therefore much more exciting to stumble across 😁
No, I'm not going to let Social Media (especially YouTube) plant those same (very subjective) buzzwords: Amazing, Best & Worst Villagers, Villagers 'who no one likes', 'Rare Villagers' (usually Marshal, Raymond, Judy etc..) in my head.

There are more than 100+ villagers in this game. Everyone single one of them has someone who absolutely adores them or not.

Sure there are some that I don't like, but that doesn't mean the next person is going to be like me.

It's your game, you should not be afraid/ embarrassed of who you have in your town. :)
From what I can tell, Graham is very unpopular and hated for whatever reason. His infamy makes me want to be his friend even more. I know what it's like, Graham my boy.

I welcome all villagers to my island. I don't dislike any villager. Many people seem to like only the super popular ones, such as Marshal, Judy, Raymond and whatever.

Recently got myself a FB and joined an ACNH group. Wow, they get real catty with their choice of villagers over there. "Ewwww you like Graham! Oh em gee I hate him so much!!!"
No, I don't like villagers based on popularity. I like them because I genuinely like them, regardless of what's popular or not.
I never really cared about the popularity of my villagers (heck, one of my faves on my old island was Buck) and especially now that the mainstream gaming world has mostly moved on from ACNH, I don't see any reason to be beholden to anyone else's standards.
I don't necessarily love villagers just because they're unpopular, but when I see a villager I like being disliked it does make me feel kind of... contrarian. I won't argue with them, but I will fiercely gift my villager the finest clothing so they know they are loved, hahahaha.
Nope , I don’t see I reason to feel bad or embarrassed. I don’t pay attention to who is popular and who is not. I just pick villagers that I like. I like my plots to auto fill so I see different villagers. It’s fun to see villagers I wouldn’t normally pick and gives me more appreciation for them.
I guess I cared a lot about looks when I was younger, but over time that has slowly waned. I didn't participate a lot in the online Animal Crossing fandom though, so I wasn't pressured to like/hate certain things just because other people thought that way.

Going off the beaten path...I kinda like that, actually. 🛤️

🎶Anywhere I roam, where I lay my head is home...🎶
From what I can tell, Graham is very unpopular and hated for whatever reason. His infamy makes me want to be his friend even more. I know what it's like, Graham my boy.

I welcome all villagers to my island. I don't dislike any villager. Many people seem to like only the super popular ones, such as Marshal, Judy, Raymond and whatever.

Recently got myself a FB and joined an ACNH group. Wow, they get real catty with their choice of villagers over there. "Ewwww you like Graham! Oh em gee I hate him so much!!!"

Maximum Graham
I don’t feel embarrassed about the villagers I like, or who I have on my island. The whole point is to design your paradise, so ultimately, it’s what makes you happy.