Complement the Person Above You

Subject A is a neutral object that in no way express Subject B's opinions and/or feelings pertaining to Subject A. If in some way, Subject B's claim has been violated, then Subject A and all those related to the case, including Subjects C & D, will be able to hold Subject B accountable for what Subject A was subjected to. Furthermore, if Subjects A & B are at odds with each other, this will hereafter nullify the bitter enmity between the two. If Subjects C & D are also involved, they shall no longer feel a social obligation to mediate between Subjects A & B.
Subject A is a neutral object that in no way express Subject B's opinions and/or feelings pertaining to Subject A. If in some way, Subject B's claim has been violated, then Subject A and all those related to the case, including Subjects C & D, will be able to hold Subject B accountable for what Subject A was subjected to. Furthermore, if Subjects A & B are at odds with each other, this will hereafter nullify the bitter enmity between the two. If Subjects C & D are also involved, they shall no longer feel a social obligation to mediate between Subjects A & B.

This is Subject B's response to the current topic as he does not wish to stir up any feelings of bitterness between Subject B and Subject A.
Subject A is a neutral object that in no way express Subject B's opinions and/or feelings pertaining to Subject A. If in some way, Subject B's claim has been violated, then Subject A and all those related to the case, including Subjects C & D, will be able to hold Subject B accountable for what Subject A was subjected to. Furthermore, if Subjects A & B are at odds with each other, this will hereafter nullify the bitter enmity between the two. If Subjects C & D are also involved, they shall no longer feel a social obligation to mediate between Subjects A & B.

This is Subject B's response to the current topic as he does not wish to stir up any feelings of bitterness between Subject B and Subject A.

Subject B is neutral about your response, Subject A.
"Subject A is a neutral object that in no way express Subject B's opinions and/or feelings pertaining to Subject A. If in some way, Subject B's claim has been violated, then Subject A and all those related to the case, including Subjects C & D, will be able to hold Subject B accountable for what Subject A was subjected to. Furthermore, if Subjects A & B are at odds with each other, this will hereafter nullify the bitter enmity between the two. If Subjects C & D are also involved, they shall no longer feel a social obligation to mediate between Subjects A & B.

This is Subject B's response to the current topic as he does not wish to stir up any feelings of bitterness between Subject B and Subject A."

Subject B is a bit weirded out by Subject A's response.
well.. though i disagree with you on the kickassery of rainbow stalin, you seem to be a charitable person in animal crossing, due to your xmas thread/party.

so i'll go with that. you're a charitable person. :)
Psychonaut said:
well.. though i disagree with you on the kickassery of rainbow stalin, you seem to be a charitable person in animal crossing, due to your xmas thread/party.

so i'll go with that. you're a charitable person. :)
Your avatar makes the whole sonic stylin' go even better.
You taste like cow turd uhhhhhh...BANANAS! taste like bananas.