Confess your gaming sins here.

I used Action Replay in the Pokémon games during the DS era only to have Shinies, quicker Egg hatching, unlimited Master Balls, and in the Gen 4 games the ability to steal in game trainers Pokémon which I mostly did to get the rarer Pokémon. I never entered any online competitions with these Pokémon.
I’ve manipulated the 3DS Virtual console version of Pokémon Blue in order to get a “legit” or at least legal Mew that could be transferred to Bank and then Home for my collection. It requires a rather complicated series of glitches to glitch my trainer ID to that of the event Mew. Then after that I trigged the more well known mew glitch. Basically the mew has to have a specific ID in order to be deemed legal by Pokémon bank.

The real mew was only given out in limited events in the UK and Japan.
I also used the infamous Mew glitch in order to acquire one in my legitimate copy of Blue back in the day. It was somehow cathartic.
Sometimes I have no motiviation to play a game whenever I have a lot of things going on in my personal life and other times whenever I do get that spark I tend to binge play certain games just to getaway from my problems.
i hoard my resources in Hades instead of using them to upgrade my weapons 🤭
I played Lawn Mowing Simulator the other day out of curiosity. Instead of mowing lawns I made crop circles and drew pictures in the lawn using the weed whacker. Surprisingly it kept letting me submit them as is and move on to new houses 😂
There’s like 10 games I’ve played all the way to the last level/boss and then just put it down and never played it again. Idk how I always lose motivation right at the end.
I'm a filthy hoarder. I can't bring myself to use my items in games because wHaT iF I nEeD tHeM lAtEr??!!111! 😳 Meanwhile I get to like the final boss/challenge and I....still don't use them unless desperate.

I also am the person to save like every time I do an action, especially in games with designated safe points vs saving anywhere. Go through a cutscene? Go back and save. Fight a few battles? Go back and save. Talk to a few people who give flavour text and no items/game progress?? Go back and save.... When I forget to save for a long period of time??? That's when I die and lose all my progress.
I always summon my mimic tear in Elden Ring no matter how small the boss is it’s my toxic trait
Lol I’m a hoarder in games I have to keep everything I find. Recently playing New World and keeping everything because who knows when I might need a common warhammer even though I have a 58 rated one😠😊
often used the money cheat in the sims and when I was very young and played the original games I often took the ladder away from the pool if I disliked the character - it's a shame that in sims 4 they can just climb out now :rolleyes:
In games with difficulty options, I tend to play a lot of games on Easy because I just want to enjoy playing the games and I'm not out here needing to prove anything to anybody by playing more challenging difficulties. Sometimes Easy is too easy and I'll bump it up to Normal, and certainly there are some games where I'll just play Normal because I feel like it. Basically, I just never play games on Hard. The only times I really bump them up that far is if there are achievements or things to unlock from playing at the high difficulty.

I used a Game Genie to give myself infinite lives and infinite time to be able to beat and get the best endings of the game Splatterhouse 3. I love that series but the third game feels really poorly balanced and I have no idea how there are people who can get through it legitimately, especially the final bosses.

If I think of any other stuff, I'll make another post.
I have many games to play but sometimes I fail to finish some. I have a life okay, and I don't have time to finish all games at once.
often used the money cheat in the sims and when I was very young and played the original games I often took the ladder away from the pool if I disliked the character - it's a shame that in sims 4 they can just climb out now :rolleyes:
I heard that people build fences around the pools to trap Sims. There are several videos on YouTube doing it.
I save scum/save-reload cause I wanna see all the options or to save resources

I exploit in-game physics and rules to my advantage

I glitch things

I power level

I used cheat codes on the PlayStation

I duplicate items to further cheat

I actually like using followers

I play on easy mode

I can't mod but if I could I would use them. Same with console commands, can't console command a Switch but if I could you bet I would.

I've killed a few NPCs who said some racist remark to my character

On the flip side I do feel bad about killing certain other innocent NPCs if the game calls for it

I like being an over powered god who can one hit kill things. Sometimes I just really want to get somethin over with so I make a stupid over powered weapon cause I want to spend as least amount of time possible on that mission. Just get it over with.

For StarDew Valley I tried to do the naming-duplicating glitch but it was patched on the Switch. I was frustrated with not gettin somethin cause it was rare.

I have no shame regarding cheating or 'not playing the game as intended'. I am by no means a 'purity player' and I won't chastise other players if they want to cheat or exploit the system. I also won't be rude to those who wants to play 'as intended', as long as they aren't being rude to others about it. Heck, I'll help you out to cheat.
i too want to come forward and admit that i am an avid hoarder when it comes to any games with any items systems in place. like yes link you really do need to be carrying 67 silent princesses and 74 lumps of coal at all time king 😓 i'm like this in real life though! i'm pretty tidy, but at this rate of hoarding things i don't need, i'm an episode of hoarders waiting to happen in like 30 years i think...........

that and in my old old playthroughs of the ace attorney series, any time i'd lose a case, i'd give up and just search up the case answers instead of restarting and brute forcing my way through the trials 😭 as much as i liked those games, i for real have no business representing anyone, either 3d or 2d in the courtroom! i wasn't built for it i guess LOL
that and in my old old playthroughs of the ace attorney series, any time i'd lose a case, i'd give up and just search up the case answers instead of restarting and brute forcing my way through the trials 😭 as much as i liked those games, i for real have no business representing anyone, either 3d or 2d in the courtroom! i wasn't built for it i guess LOL
I wouldn't say that presenting every piece of evidence with the hopes that eventually it would be correct is any better or worse than just looking up a walkthrough. The main benefit of the latter is that it saves time; the main benefit of the former is that it makes it easier to avoid spoilers. The main point anyway is that you didn't necessarily present the evidence based on the evidence and testimony, which is no judgment from me, because there are absolutely some points that are either difficult (whether legitimately as a result of a well-crafted puzzle or because of the game's failure to communicate vital information in a coherent manner) or in the case of the second game especially there are times when the player may be aware of something but can only wait until Phoenix becomes aware of it before actually making use of it, making the more sensical answers the incorrect one in the eyes of the game.

They're some of my absolute favorite games, but indeed, they're not always perfectly woven together.