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Conflicted about starting over.

Go for it if you're having regrets about it so early into the game. I know that it might seem like a lot to lose, but... if you dislike your map now, chances are that you'll end up disliking it later on also -and you might have more to lose if you choose to restart in the future.

I don't know if you're against Time Travel or not. But if you're worried about your shop upgrades, you could always set your DS date to June 9th/whenever you got your game and just time travel a bit. I know that some people are against time travel, but considering that you've already unlocked all of those things on your own I don't see how it could be a problem.

Otherwise you could just go ahead and play the game without any TT, 2 weeks isn't much time so I'll bet that you'll be caught up in no time :)
The samething happen to me i didn't like my town layout there wasn't enough space and it was just to cramped to put community projects down so i end up restarting my game.
my old map i didn't like
and my new map i like
If you're unhappy, restart! Find someone to hold on to your most precious items and bells.

If you don't enjoy your town, what's the point of even playing the game? I love my layout and wouldn't even dream of changing it.

Funny, I almost picked your layout. Glad I didn't.
I was like that too, I absolutely started to hate my layout because I mindlessly chose it, and I actually got back in progress to how I was before I reset. To be honest, your layout would get me angry too lol. I say go for it and I don't know if you time travel but I really recommend starting from when you got the game and playing each day until there's nothing left to do on it, then going on to the next day in the game. And it helps a lot if you have a friend that holds all your bells and items! Good luck to you on your game. =)
I started my town over due to the layout. If your worried about losing your building you can set your animal crossing time 2 week into the past then time travel forwards a day at a time unlocking everything that you once had.
I restarted after a week of playing and I can say it's been the best desicion in my animal crossing life ever. I'm really happy with my current map! And, yes, you have to do some things over but if you do it now it's only 2 weeks (You can even set the date to the week before and do the first week really quickly by timetravelling) if you're gonna wait you'll have a whole lot more work to do.

Erase that town! (I think your current map sucks)
I know that feel, the house placements in my town are annoying me now that I want to place paths. Even Apple's (and I love her) house is getting on my nerves because if it could be moved one space to the left, it'd make things look less assymetrical when I put paths down.

All of my animals like to cluster in the same area in groups of 4. Yet, Ankha's the only one with common sense - her house is by itself and it's aligned really nicely.

Ohhhh well. I'm not going to restart because I can't be bothered.
That layout is nice and the only negative thing is the two ponds side by side. I might have chosen it for myself had it been available. It's your choice. Good luck to you.
I'm also debating restarting my town. The layout just isn't good for community projects! I have almost no room to build the police station, and the room I do have I'm saving for the Cafe. I'm on the fence here because I've already unlocked the Dream Suite, T&T Mart, the Garden Shop, Kicks, and Club LOL, and I have my favorite villager in my town, Marshal... I mean, I could TT & get Kicks and the Dream Suite back, but not Club LOL, the Garden Shop or T&T Mart... might just get a digital copy and make a new town there. I'm so conflicted! XD

- - - Post Merge - - -

This exactly. At first, I was adamant on starting over, but now I'm more on the fence and leaning towards resetting.
Take a look at my bull**** layout lol
I HATE it, but I?m not gonna start over now that I?m around 80 hours in.
I wish I had chosen another one back then, but I will try to make this as good as I can.
I reset countless times for DAYS. It was so aggravating and now the layout I've decided on I'm on the fence about because there isn't a lot of room for projects and I don't care for where my house is. If you hate the layout then reset because it will haunt you lol.
If you hate it that much I'd also recommend restarting before you get even further into the game and end up having way too much to lose. I know from experience that you're going to enjoy your next playthrough despite deleting the other file because you'd be more comfortable with the layout. There are people here who'd love to hold your stuff for you and, as already stated, it won't take as long to get back to where you were the second time around. :)
I would say if you REALLY want to keep the work that you did in your town, buy the downloadable version of the game if you have the cartridge, visa versa. That's only if you want to keep your old town at all but be able to make a new one too.
I actually DID end up resetting my town; very much worth it! I got a river that's almost 100% straight, so that maximized space. ^.^ I'm also gonna do the house-trick thing if a villager moves into an awkward/in the way place.

Edit: I spent an hour and a half resetting for my map. I'll post a picture in a few.
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I actually DID end up resetting my town; very much worth it! I got a river that's almost 100% straight, so that maximized space. ^.^ I'm also gonna do the house-trick thing if a villager moves into an awkward/in the way place.

I'd love to see a picture of your new town! Also what does the house trick do?
I'd love to see a picture of your new town! Also what does the house trick do?

the house trick allows you to 'control' what location your villagers move to. There's more detail here: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?68222-quot-Controlling-quot-where-houses-appear.

I spent basically half a day reseting my town, I saw the map layout I wanted but Retail was all the way by the train station and I wanted retail more in the center or close to the beach. However,I decided to load the map anyways. I discovered that Apollo, Molly, and Cheri were among the starting villagers and decided to keep the map since those were 3/10 dream villagers. I love my map now even if Re-tail is a little far from the docks.

I think it's definitely worth it to reset your town because this is the map you are going to be playing on for days and days.
I, too, am debating over my town map. I like it, but I am annoyed by the fact that I have three ponds [and that I put the camping site in a not so beautiful spot], and those ponds are on the worst places ever sho I don't really have a lot of space to put things.

My main issues are that I tomorrow I'm gonna have the cafe and that I've unlocked almost everything [Shampoodle is near finished too]. I have been debating things for over twoo weeks and I still don't know what to do.
I think once you get the idea of resetting into your head then it's always going to be difficult to say 'no, I'm sticking with this town'. I picked the first map the game generated and I actually got very lucky. Lots of space for projects and things are laid out in a way that I like. Some of my villagers aren't the best (and one moved in right in front of a bridge - annoying!) but hopefully they'll move soon.

I definitely sympathize with those who aren't happy with their town though, especially if they've put a lot of work in. For some people it'll be the best thing to do but for others it might just ruin things for you.

I briefly entertained the idea of switching cos of my villagers but I've decided to stick it out and just hit the bad ones with a net until they go! :)