Giveaway Contest - Almost All Tier One Villagers

Hey, heres my first entry :3
Senza titolo-3.jpg
hope you like it! :D
I'm back! :) So I have arranged a normal sized room- I have a few photos to show you the angles and options.

It's a combination of fairytale-antique, creating an atmosphere of lost or re-lived childhood (depending on the music you choose for the room!) with the elegance of beautiful antique furniture.
You will give the impression of an adult with taste, creativity & child-like playfulness all in one harmonious, quirky room.

I can give you more photos from other angles, but I didn't want to swamp the thread with images--but let me know if there is something you don't like or want to see better. :)

Also my character is usually wearing nice boots, styled purple/pink hair and frilly gothic lotia clothes... - but I wanted to be a hero in hiking boots today!

Item list:

Bottom left

Mermaid lamp to left of door---adds a pink glow to the room, excellent for the citrus & mermaid item area

(or could be moved besides the red simple love seats to the top right- you can experiment)

Tangerine chair in left corner

Pop art/abstract art of your own creation or a colourful C.D. such as K.K. D&B
The painting to the right of that I created with some simple geometric shapes---you could get the design from my dream town if you use it----or find a
Hello Kittyesque design from another town, I found own in a travel to a random town in Korea- I can also share this found designs dream code so you can travel there & copy it.

Lemon table to right of tangerine chair---cute food on top such as -samgyetang the stewpot would be another appetizing choice, however the samgyetang fits so well on the table, as does a perfect peach.

Mermaid shelf to the right of the lemon table

robo stereo None of the regular music players fit as nicely into the fairytale/ k-pop section of the room---unless you have one of the flower shaped players, but I feel the robo stereo is best here.

Bottom right

There is a coat hanger for guests. It is roughly the same height as the mermaid lamp to the left, giving balance.

Rococo dresser--a small set of draws where you can display something like a photo on top, a music box & an incense burner or aroma pot to greet the guests with a pleasant scent.
I you don't like scents near the clothes, a crystal or flower would also look great.

Carpet & walls flower pop carpet neutral wall---this way you can display art & lanterns on the wall

Middle of room

Rococo table with ankylo & diplo models on top---both leaf eaters, so if you like feng shui, these are non-threatening and adorable.
To the left a rococo chair & black lucky cat, to the right a white lucky cat

To the left by the window

firefly lantern besides a rococo couch optional extra: blue wall shelf because of the little cactus, but some may not think this should be near the rococo set? but I think it goes with the round cactus in the top centre of the room.
If that is the case a sconce lantern goes near the couch.

back left:

large bookshelf
amber, above the amber is a pendulum clock

to the right of the amber a fireplace

I have taken 2 photos, one with a espresso maker & simple kettle on top of the fireplace, another with the incense and amethyst.

Above is the cover art for K.K. My Place because of the leafy design & Tango

top right hand corner:

2 simple love seats & a bromeliad plant in the corner--a red vase also works well

on the right hand walls: 2 lanterns of your choice--I have used the red tassel & round festival lantern

I think the festival lantern suits the lounge area, & the red tassel is great feng shui for the east side of the room.

The photos also feature a caladium, however another round cactus would be a great friend for the solo round cactus, as round cactus like company. :)

A classic wall shelf sits behind the simple love seat, wondering if anyone will come visit and have a cup of tea or coffee because it spent a very long time getting ready & looking shiny and pretty for guests.

to the right of the right hand window is a rococo shelf a small table with a tea set would also go well to the side of the lounge room.


K.K. Hypno highlights the strange combination of fairytale with antiques & fossils

K.K Bubblegum is often played in houses with fruit or fairytale furniture

finally K.K. Moody is a relaxing track that suits most designs.

I hoped you enjoyed the tour, and the descriptions are better read in a pompous accent, for your amusement ...yes we describe how the juxtaposition of light and sound create the ambiance of the bright nights of the soul.... :)

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Hiya! I was just wondering if you only want to see digital art. If not, I'll be entering both room and art areas.
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I drew Diana as an entry. Hope this is alright!
I'd really like to be able to get Marshall or if not Stitches. ( ; O ; )!!


  • fauna.jpg
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This is a nice giveaway you're having here, I may have to enter! (Sadly I only do traditional art, if you don't mind. An example would be my avatar, I'll work on a couple entry ideas. c:)
I'm getting close to finishing mine, it's been a long week. o_O

(Also seeing some of these others, man I've got some competition! XD;;;; )
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Okay, I think I only have time for one entry, but I hope it's to your liking, regardless of whether it wins! Since there was a moon theme on that outfit for your mayor and you liked these two wolves, it seemed to fit, theme wise at least!


Larger picture can be seen here, as there seems to be a size limit here?
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Havent heard from the runner of this compitition in a while.. i hope this is legit
Havent heard from the runner of this compitition in a while.. i hope this is legit

Well, if I were them and I had IRL stuff, I'd wait a few days and see what everyone comes up with while dealing with life. Give them a few days to finish their work. I know mine took a while. o_O
Yea your probibly right, just a bit worried this was too good to be true lol
I pm'ed him about two days ago, he said he was really busy with friends so it might be a couple days.
Ohh ok, thats good to hear :D, just wanted to make sure before i start my last entry :p