Giveaway & [Contest]★ENDED★Bulbamander's Giveaway Draw and Creativity Contest!★1000TBT★

I'd like to enter! It's just a comment for now but I might do something creative if I have time.
hello~ this is my entry for the sylveon avatar category

(higher quality in case you wanted it)


thank you, ♥ q//w//q
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Can we submit two pieces of art for different catagories? Thanks~

Hi there! Sorry for the delay in my response, I'm currently on vacation! You can enter each category, but only once. So, only one piece of art, only one creative writing piece, and only one Sylveon avatar. I hope this answers your question! And you have been entered into the draw for commenting. Thanks!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'd like to enter! It's just a comment for now but I might do something creative if I have time.

No problem! Sorry for the delay getting back to you, I am currently on vacation! You have been entered into the draw. I hope you decide to enter the creativity contest! Thanks for entering!

- - - Post Merge - - -

hello~ this is my entry for the sylveon avatar category

(higher quality in case you wanted it)


thank you, ♥ q//w//q

Thank you for your entry! Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I am currently on vacation! Your animated Sylveon entry is worth 8 entries! You have been entered into the draw a total of 9 times! Good luck with the draw and the contest! Thanks for entering!
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Hey!!! I might make something for your contest once I finish my commissions! Just thought I'd give you a heads up!

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Enter me, please! Might write a little story a little later, I love writing c:

You have been entered into the draw. I hope you decide to enter the creativity contest! Thanks! :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hey!!! I might make something for your contest once I finish my commissions! Just thought I'd give you a heads up!


Thanks for entering! You have been entered into the draw a total of 7 times. 6 times for your Sylveon Avatar entry and 1 time for commenting. Good luck with the draw and the creativity contest!
EDIT: The thread has been updated with more details regarding how the winners will be announced at the end of the giveaway draw and creativity contest.

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