

F1 fan who loves onions
Jul 5, 2018
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I'm surprised no one has brought this up yet, considering this is a serious global issue. Apart from China, cases have been confirmed in Europe, North America, and other Asian countries. 56 people have unfortunately died with at least 1,975 cases recorded.

The symptoms of this virus can be common ones from coughing to breathing difficulties. Severe symptoms can cause pneumonia, kidney failure, severe acute respiratory, and death.

To be honest, I don't know 100% of the story but I'm still concerned with this, especially when there's a possible case in the city I live in (oh dear...). It's quite logical flights coming from China should be shut down, but it's probably too late to do so now...

So guys, watch out and stay safe. Stay sanitary and don't spread the germs. I don't want anyone else to suffer this.

Some sources:
Thank you for sharing this information.

I can't believe this virus is taking such a huge bite out of people. It's so terrible. Then again, an airport is the fastest way to spread these kinds of things on a national scale. It's somewhat like the bird flu case.

Thankfully, I'm lucky to not live in an area currently being affected. I do have a family member who works at an airport, though, so there's that. lol

On a serious note, I'm wishing you the best. Please stay safe- you and those you care about!
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I've got a stinking cold people were giving me looks on the bus earlier when I broke into a coffing fit with dears running down my face from the itch in my throat
Nothing can really be done unfortunately that you would not already do; just a lot of bad timing. Every time I think about it is somewhat mildly infuriating, admittedly. Cases have existed since December and China proceeded to hold banquets right next to ground zero. They arrested journalists and reporters trying to spread awareness of it. When people were initially found with symptoms, they were sent home and not quarantined. Other cities were closed off even before Wuhan. It goes on and on...
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Coincidentally, I was watching this video on YouTube
before reading this thread. It seems even surgical masks can't prevent you from contracting the virus. :<
The statement of WHO on 25th still has no change, it says: high chance of infection in China, not very low in countries near China, and low chance of infection in other regions. Reason of this adjudication is quite understandable. I'm not sure how it's aired in other countries/regions but majority of people that this virus has caused death to so far are kinda specific group of people. They have the common traits that are : older like over 40 or 50 and have chronic disease like Diabetes, hear issues, etc. Also infection is through spray or touching the virus physically, not like through air. I'd see WHO's adjudication for the moment is quite understandable, if these information about victims are true.

I'm more like curious than concerned, about some info that hasn't been mentioned in any media so far as I've seen, that is, how they recognize it's new corona not ordinal ones. Corona virus has various types that'd usually only infect to specific creature. But most of them if not all are comparatively big which causes the failure of copying themselves when multiplying. Those malformed viruses have exactly the same DNA as original ones, so it's practically impossible to recognize which ones are the new malformed viruses in general. And I've been so curious how they're filtering the new ones. No info about this so far.

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Its scary. I feel like older people will have a hard time with this since their immune systems are not as good.
If it depends on simply immune strength, there would've been way more patients of younger people, like babies, toddlers. What's interesting about this virus is babies/toddlers seem to be not infected usually and even if they get infected (which is rare case) it doesn't go bad, at least reading current information. It's very odd behavior as virus, interesting.
All we can hope for is they come up with a vaccine as soon as humanly possible, if they haven't already.

Stay safe.
Visit your doctor for regular check ups.
There's no vaccine yet as from what I read yesterday. They can only control the symptoms. But apparently they are working on one as fast as possible.

This is quite a scary situation and I only started paying attention until 2 days ago when I saw it in the news. Hopefully everyone takes the necessary precautions and try to say safe and not get sick.
I'm not that worried about it. The flu is worse than Coronavirus from what I've read.
I work at a college with a high population of students from China, as well as many other countries.

We've already had staff get Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, most likely from a student.

I use so much hand sanitizer. All day. I hate when they come up and touch my stuff. And when they don't wash their hands in the bathroom.

Guh, these kids.
I have information from inside of China because I lived in Shanghai for a year and have friends there.

My Chinese friend was trapped in the region of Wuhan for a few days but he was able to go back to Beijing.

As the incubation period of the virus is about 14 days, you can't tell who is sick because one can be sick but not know about it yet. Because of this, the discrimination against people from Wuhan and Hubei has gotten bad inside of China, some call them "walking plague gods". Most hotels don't admit people from Wuhan and Hubei anymore and even healthy people from the region have gone temporarily homeless because of this, trying to get away from the riskiest areas.

Unfortunately the Chinese government knew about the virus days or even weeks before the situation escalated and broke national and international news. They told doctors to hush up the existence of the virus, patients were told to stay home and not talk about their illness (now guess if they'd all just stay at home when they need their money from work).

It's particularly bad that this happened just around Chinese New Year, the biggest mass migration of the world, where countless Chinese people return to their hometowns to celebrate with their families.
I don't like it when news like this comes up. It kinda makes me scared to go outside, but I'm not going to let it do that. Hopefully everyone stays safe and make sure to wash your hands thoroughly and often.
I have information from inside of China because I lived in Shanghai for a year and have friends there.

My Chinese friend was trapped in the region of Wuhan for a few days but he was able to go back to Beijing.

As the incubation period of the virus is about 14 days, you can't tell who is sick because one can be sick but not know about it yet. Because of this, the discrimination against people from Wuhan and Hubei has gotten bad inside of China, some call them "walking plague gods". Most hotels don't admit people from Wuhan and Hubei anymore and even healthy people from the region have gone temporarily homeless because of this, trying to get away from the riskiest areas.

Unfortunately the Chinese government knew about the virus days or even weeks before the situation escalated and broke national and international news. They told doctors to hush up the existence of the virus, patients were told to stay home and not talk about their illness (now guess if they'd all just stay at home when they need their money from work).

It's particularly bad that this happened just around Chinese New Year, the biggest mass migration of the world, where countless Chinese people return to their hometowns to celebrate with their families.

That's so sad.

Typical governmental actions.
Top priority = cover it up.