Mayor Monday
Senior Member
I've got a stinking cold
Same. But you know? I'd rather have a cold than be quarantined with a life-threatening disease.
So there's that. lol
I've got a stinking cold
Same. But you know? I'd rather have a cold than be quarantined with a life-threatening disease.
So there's that. lol
It's not as scary as it is being made out to be. Most people will just get sick for a couple of weeks and then recover - just like any other cold and flu type viruses. Those at risk of death are the same group of people who can be killed by influenza: they have compromised immune systems.
If you've had the flu in recent years and survived it then you're most likely to survive this too.
yesterday, i was making my way to the school exit, i saw a kid (whos in my school) on his bike, wearing a German gas mask. we live in Canada and there have only been 3 confirmed cases. the hysteria is causing people to do things that are kinda unnecessary. i suppose it just a joke but other people who have talked to him say otherwise
yesterday, i was making my way to the school exit, i saw a kid (whos in my school) on his bike, wearing a German gas mask. we live in Canada and there have only been 3 confirmed cases. the hysteria is causing people to do things that are kinda unnecessary. i suppose its just a joke but other people who have talked to him say otherwise
omg that reminds me school boards around here had to send out formal letters/notices en masse telling students that wearing any sort of mask isn't allowed and that they'll be confiscated, there's really such a huge overreaction to it.
Complications linked to the flu is killing people every year, yet people are wandering around without being vaccinated.
We have to be careful about contagious diseases all the time, trying not spread it and contaminate the weaker.
I work as a school nurse and I've already had parents come to me with concerns about coronavirus. Just yesterday I sent a kid home with a fever and his mom immediately asked if he might have itNO, I can almost guarantee he does not.
My county health department has let us know that there's virtually a 0% chance of infection in our local area for the time being. Our local airport doesn't even have any flights directly to/from Wuhan (and very few Chinese cities in general).
It's obviously a terrible situation in China and should be taken seriously, but people are definitely blowing it out proportion. It spread quickly to a handful of cities around the world due to the fact that it started in a city that is a transportation hub with a high volume of people moving in and out. It did not spread quickly because it is highly infectious; currently it's thought to be moderately infectious, which is pretty typical of most viruses.
I hate mass hysteria so much. It just leaves people scared for no reason. The only ones who should potentially be concerned at this point in time are individuals who are immunocompromised, those who live in or near China, and those who recently travelled to Wuhan/China. If you aren't one of these people then please don't be worried!
omg that reminds me school boards around here had to send out formal letters/notices en masse telling students that wearing any sort of mask isn't allowed and that they'll be confiscated, there's really such a huge overreaction to it.