by "any mask" does that also include surgical masks? it's funny because in my school (actually the whole country in general), they're actually encouraging us to wear masks (surgical/face masks that cover the mouth and nose). masks have been SOLD OUT in almost every drugstore, convenience store, and grocery.
my school and a lot of other universities are actually taking this issue seriously to the point of having our temperatures checked at the school entrance (with those thermometers that you point on the forehead). if your temperature reaches 38 or above, i think they're sent home to quarantine or smth not sure.
but that's because there have been a LOT of chinese nationals in our country recently.. and there's been confirmed cases of it here. definitely not exaggerating when i say a lot. even my college is surrounded by chinese nationals
yep, i think surgical masks were what prompted it in the first place. schools here do not like faces being covered