
I would’ve never guessed it’s so essential for a bakery to remain open. Whatever. I told them I’m not coming back until further notice. I just don’t think my low white blood cells can handle it.
It was certainly interesting that Gamestop was declared essential by their higher ups as well. People need to do what keeps them safe.
Working in an 'essential' retail store has been rough. We have been running business like normal recently and Corp finally decided to cut back. I am lucky I work in the back of the store but we have been crazy busy and people just need to stay home. Ahhh! It's just been crazy. I'm a little stressed. Animal Crossing New Horizons couldn't have come at a better time.
As of Sunday at 8 PM, my state is going full lockdown. We won't be able to leave our homes at all. I figured our governor would follow Illinois and California's lead, but still- it all feels so weird.
So, I live in Poland and honestly, as far as I can say, it really could be worse here, despite what I say next, trust me it's much worse in some other European countries. For now it has been 2 out of who knows how many weeks since they closed schools, cinemas, theaters, shopping centers, restaurants (those can only offer take-outs) etc. On our every step we're reminded of washing our hands, keeping distance between people, wearing disposable gloves, staying at home and so on and so on. We're told not to travel (even from city to city) and we cannot travel abroad (only some border crossings are open, but the wait there is unbearable, like you could spend 2 days there and not get through). The prices in grocery shops are geting p high, there is a lack of toilet paper, pasta, canned food, antibacterial gels, disposable gloves and face masks, but as far as I know shops still get those things, they just very quickly get bought. A lot of people panic buy here.

I'm honestly very concerned about school since my school year is ending in April (it's ending so soon for me because I'm on the last year of high school and there are this super important exams called matura exams in May, those basically determine if I will get to university or not). It's not even about the lessons, but mostly about the exams theselves, it's really scary to be in a position like this during times like this.

Stay strong everyone!! Wash your hands and stay at home!
New York is getting bad. 12K cases smh. California might be next epicenter considering people are still going in the masses to beaches
My state just closed borders and the entirety of Australia is shutting down non-essential services, we are essentially in lockdown now. Pretty confronting. I'm just so so glad I have animal crossing to keep me through this.
Coronavirus: Trains packed as reduced timetable kicks in <- pictures on this link of ScotRail services which, as of today, are reduced services and intended for use by key workers.

Glad I've been told to work from home for the remaining five weeks of my job. I got a letter from work that says I'm classified as a key worker so if the trains do get closed entirely due to people still insisting on travelling then that will make the few times I do need to be physically on the premises impossible.

A pub near me also ignored the fact the government ordered them to close and remained open all weekend. A colleague of my Dad's also went to a big family gathering yesterday so he's going to get a good scolding tomorrow. Their workplace is also considered essential.
Coronavirus: Trains packed as reduced timetable kicks in <- pictures on this link of ScotRail services which, as of today, are reduced services and intended for use by key workers.

Yeah, they reduced traffic on bus and local trams here and that's the result. Glad they still do commuting trains and underground as usual. I get they might have few people, but offer classes or find entrepreneurs that can drive your buses... sounds like a better idea than squeezing in as much as possible and people getting coughed and sneezed on.. sigh.

Also ugh I so want to support niche companies and people(in other countries)but due to cargo traffic also getting reduced I'm like.. hm.
This whole thing has become so frustrating and some of the things they're doing seem counter-intuitive. The goal is for people to not have to go out much and limit contact with others. But with stores reducing their hours and limiting purchases of certain items (not to mention certain items being sold out due to hoarders), I've had to go out more often and during high traffic times just to get my normal shopping done.

When everything is normal, I only go grocery shopping once every 2 weeks at night when there are few people in the store. I might make a quick stop at the 1 week mark to replenish perishables, but that's it. Now, because of this virus, I have been to 5 different stores over the course of 3 days and because of the reduced hours all of the stores were packed with people. I've exposed myself much more than I normally would just to get the basic items I need for the next week or two. And I know in another week or two, I'm going to have to do it all over again.

I'm considering switching to having my groceries shipped, but I'm hesitant because I've never done that before. I've also heard from some of my coworkers that's not working out very well for them. Some of them have had their orders cancelled due to insufficient stock. This is a ridiculous situation to be in, and I mostly blame the hoarders for making things impossible to find.
It’s a bad situation for everyone, however, I can’t stand it how people are being selfish and are stockpiling unnecessary items, such as toilet roll. People are still going to social events and ignoring the governments advice, it truly is bringing out people’s selfish side. My grandma is self-isolating because she has a lot of health issues so all of her food is delivered by my family and left on her doorstep, I am genuinely concerned for her.
I just hope everything goes back to normal soon, but at this rate, that’s wishful thinking.
The governor of my state has issued a shelter-in-place order for two weeks, beginning tomorrow at noon.

I was concerned about things before, of course, but it's funny how having it show up in your back yard makes it suddenly "real" and a bit scary. My job is considered to be one of the essentials, so I'll still be out. I'm glad of the paycheck, but part of me wishes I could just hide inside until it's over.

Do the best you can with what you've got, and stay safe, everyone!
I'm so sick of this damned virus. No one wants to take it seriously around here and just stay inside. I can't get anything done whatsoever. My phone randomly died this morning and won't turn back on. There's nowhere for me take it, because everything is shut down. People seriously need to stay inside the most they can so we can get this over with and carry on with our lives. Bless all those workers out there having to be exposed to this mess, because no one wants to listen to orders.
Yeah, i got an essential job too (library, we're important community service) so i hope we can still keep open as long as possible..not only for paycheck but to get a routine.. school is online starting tomorrow so i just hope i can be done w/ uni at least...
Well, Doug Ford just ordered any inessential businesses to shut down for two weeks so looks like I'm jobless til April 9. It'll be nice to have a holiday anyway. I'm worried for the economy. We're gonna hit a recession or something.
Welp, NZ has just joined the lockdown squad. If you had told me back in December or January that NZ would be hit hard enough by the virus for the whole country to shut down I wouldn't have believed you.

Things have been developing incredibly quickly. This time last week we had <10 cases; by the end of the week we had about 70ish and now we have about 140.

My lecturers didn't communicate any plans with us througout the week. Kept on saying "it's good for your mental health to attend lectures". Lmao no, there's a freakin pandemic going on I want to be able to stay home pls. By Saturday there was a huge uproar by students from my university saying that we should have the choice to be online. Then they decided to go fully online that day.

Monday the government announced about a nationwide lockdown that will be effective by midnight Wednesday, so they would've had to go online anyway.

I think we've taken necessary measures just in time. Yeah our economy is gonna be screwed, but we'd be even more screwed if we overloaded the already stretched health system.
For good or bad, I don't think all these forcing people to stay inside and/or just go out two at a time for only getting groceries or such is a solution. Sure you can fine people all you want but they'd probably still go to jail. Tbf I think mental stuff will kill more people and more slowly because of isolation and shutdowns rather than corona (even if you're old or a risk group). I'm glad we're still in between here and while it'd good to try and flatten the curve, just let people be out if they're not a risk group. Trying to live as normal is def better and you wish people would follow staying at home if they're sick. Most people are good at that where I work so at least something.

Also SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES (or just niche online stores you LOVE and want to survive). Be it a take-away pizza, some weird socks from that interesting store or just order that one dress at online sales you've been wanting if you can and mail still works and theirs).
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Glad the UK is finally on lockdown. maybe people will learn to stay at home and not risk their lives for stupid reasons. Also i finally got permission to work from home even though I've been able to this whole time -- i start tomorrow and i'm so much happier. I'm frustrated it's taken a government lockdown to convince my company to allow us that privilege though. A confirmed case was reported in the building we're in and we still had to go to work... the amount of businesses putting money before the health and wellbeing of their staff is worrying, but then again you have to protect peoples jobs as much as you can so its a ****ty situation to be in all around.

hope everyone is doing okay with all that said :lemon:. Stay safe guys :- )