
I've just been told ibuprofen and advil "promotes" the symptoms of the virus and dug into research myself but idk if this is true or not. I've been taking ibuprofen for body aches but I do not have the virus but either way I'm going to stop taking them just to be safe

I've not read into this in the context of COVID-19, but ibuprofen and similar anti-inflammatory drugs work by telling your body to reduce the amount of antibodies it is producing. The immune system needs to be producing antibodies to be able to fight off foreign invaders. I'm assuming this is the logic experts are going with? If so it's true to some extent. The same potential risks are there when taking anti-inflammatory drugs to combat the symptoms of other illnesses, eg flu.
So I have a cousin who tested positive for Covid-19, he's doing better now as far as I know. He was told to take no medicine at all so he can closely monitor when he shows signs of getting better. The weirdest part of it all was he had no cough other than laying down at night, also he had mentioned it messed with his taste buds to the point where everything tasted awful? Such a strange virus.
So they've just announced that Ireland is pretty much in full lockdown until April 12th. Can't leave the house unless it's for food or medicine and travel is now heavily restricted. At least you can still exercise within 2km of your house.

Cocooning is supposed to be in effect now for people over 70 as well.

What I don't understand about cocooning is, how are they supposed to access their pension? (my dad doesn't have a bank account so going digital wouldn't work) Since as far as I know, cocooning means not leaving the house for anything.

One of my local stores finally put a limit on how many toilet paper each customer can buy (though there's still ways this can be exploited) after massive complaints from other buyers. It took them long enough to take action. I wish they'd limit the amount of alcohol each person can buy, too. It makes my stomach turn to see how some people are massively buying basic emergency needs like alcohol, hand sanitizers, face masks, ect and then selling them online at incredibly inflated prices. I saw a 16 oz, 70% isopropyl alcohol selling for $90 on ebay. :(
That's where we're at now - even the local dollar store is instituting rationing, but I think it's unfair to expect employees who are barely paid anything during the epidemic to also stop people from buying multiple items for hoard. We should absolutely start shaming people for hoarding.
We have 64 cases in my city what the heck and it's only been 2 weeks since it got here-
This whole epidemic is pretty bad. I heard that over 1,000 people died in Italy yesterday and it's extremely heart breaking to hear all this news about deaths and rising cases all over the world.

I was on the verge of planning a trip to New Orleans over the Spring break and all of the sudden it spiked from one of the least infected states to the most. Well, that blows my plans of visiting haunted vampire mansions, getting my palm read, getting tea leaf prophecies, and engaging in Voodoo doings.

As for my school, all my classes were moved online. I'm currently a Senior in high school and the whole virus has affected all the events that seniors are suppose to enjoy. It canceled prom, the senior picnic, and maybe even graduation. I also heard a rumor that Stanford is having their graduation over skype so maybe my school will have ours. Alongside the entire coronavirus situation, college rejection letters are also flowing in but at least I have animal crossing :(
This virus quite literally changed my life. I live in a small town in Texas, about 30 minutes away from Dallas. I was working at a fast food restaurant. About 2-3 weeks ago, it was announced that Dallas began to have cases of the virus. I obviously became worried since I live fairly close to the city, and people commute from our town to Dallas daily. I began having horrible anxiety when I clock in for work. It would build up just driving there. My breathing would become shorter, my heart rate would be sporadic. Thankfully, I took 3 days off (because of Animal Crossing lol). While on my days off, 3 cases of the virus were reported from my county. The day I returned (3/21), we were extremely busy. The lobby was closed, so we were only opened in drive thru. I couldn't take it anymore. People were coughing while ordering, none of my coworkers had the time to wash their hands, and the orders were very big, and I couldn't catch a break. So I quit on the spot. My mom has pre-existing conditions, and I could not risk carrying the virus and infecting her. Thankfully she was very understanding. That is how the virus has affected my life.
My other half got a notice in the post yesterday to self-isolate for 12 weeks due to being high risk (asthmatic). We don't live together so this will be looooong. ._.
It's been bugging me but my country has been suffering a lot lately and I don't know when it will end here, but it surely won't within the rest of the 2-week duration of the lockdown.

Also, the father of my boyfriend's classmate passed away today. He was a doctor. I didn't know the father personally but I was acquaintances with his daughter and it just scares me how it can really affect anyone, especially those with initial complications. I feel sad for the family who didn't get to see the father in his last moments. It's scary to die alone.

I just want this to end. I miss my friends and my boyfriend. I miss having a life outside home. I wish more measures & general urgency was implemented, but the government really likes to make this a political issue. There's no transparency. It's sickening.

Right now, the only thing I can be glad about is that I'm with my family. I'm also learning new things and playing games to distract myself, but every once in a while my mind drifts off to worry again.
Italian here. It's really scary here. I left home for the first time in 2 weeks yesterday, to go buy groceries, and it looked like the aftermath of an apocalyptic event.
Starting tomorrow, over here people have to wear face masks while shopping, and the super markets will have to provide the face masks free of charge. :O

I have to say that our government is proving competence and realism during this crisis. I wasn't very fond of our prime minister before, but he has appeared very competent and rational with his reply/replies to the crisis.
I'm actually in quarantine right now (yes quarantine, not social distancing, I'm a suspected carrier of the virus). I got hit by a car two weeks ago and had to go to hospital. Before my operation on my leg (broken in multiple places) everything seemed to be running normally. When I woke up from surgery multiple patients had been removed from the ward and the nurses were extremely hesistant to come into the ward and touch us. I had to go several hours without medication because the nurses wouldn't come in (I'm sure you can imagine after getting hit by a car, that's pretty painful! )

I managed to get sent home super quickly due to this, and have been self isolating in my room for ten days. I'm not sure if I have the virus, one of the nurses who washed me before my surgery seemed to be the carrier so, there was a lot of contact I could have gotten it. My throat hurts but I think thats just from the breathing tube used during surgery. The hospital is very bizarre now and getting my leg redressed seems it will be difficult. Also when I became a contact , I was called by the military here (Ireland) and told I was a close contact to a carrier of the virus and had to self isolate for 14 days. Self isolating in my room isn't so bad. I have a kettle and minifridge. The hard thing is since I can barely walk dressing myself and that kind of thing is really hard since no one is allowed to help me, only deliver food in the door without talking to me and staying two metres away at all times.

I'm sorry if this isn't very relevant to the thread, I think it would just be interesting to some of you. If you go to the hospital for anything not corona virus related right now, I think it's extremely likely you will get the virus, or at least become a contact like me. The government here is doing a good job I think.
I've started running a fever the past two days and I'm always tired. I'm worried because I left the house a few days ago to go grocery shopping and so many people don't cover their mouths when they cough, I walked by at least two on the way out of the exit to my car. I'm not sure if I'm being overly paranoid or...? I was running a slightly elevated temperature yesterday and it's gone up today, I know they say most people don't need to even seek treatment so for now I'm gonna stay at home and just keeping doing the Tylenol, fluids and rest thing... but you know, it's scary.